
Grand Valley Named Voter Friendly Campus for the Fifth Year in a Row

March 18, 2021

Grand Valley Named Voter Friendly Campus for the Fifth Year in a Row

Grand Valley has once again been named a Voter Friendly Campus by the Campus Vote Project and National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) for making voting and registration easy and accessible for students. Grand Valley has been named a Voter Friendly campus five times since 2016. The Campus Vote Project and NASPA both strive to increase student voting on college campuses around the country during elections.

Through the Community Service Learning Center (CSLC), the Allendale Township Clerk held a satellite office at Grand Valley in the Kirkhoff Center to register students and allow them to cast ballots. The CSLC holds multiple events throughout the year centered on promoting volunteering, service, and community and democratic engagement. You can find out more about voting and civic engagement on the GVSU Votes webpage.

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Page last modified March 18, 2021