News and Spotlights

Updated Mission Statements for the BSW & MSW Programs

December 16, 2024

GVSU MSW Program Mission Statement:

As an established School of Social Work in the region, the mission of the GVSU MSW program is to prepare excellent advanced generalist social workers who are committed to the advancement of human rights, equity, and well-being among the individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities of West Michigan, the State, the Nation, and globally. We value diversity, serving our community, scientific inquiry, relationships, and ethical practice and are united by a commitment to our students, the profession, and the University. We are guided by research and ecological, rights-based, anti-racist, and anti-oppressive approaches to teaching and practice. The program is committed to maintaining academically rigorous courses and dynamic field education experiences that prepare graduates to adopt a service-oriented approach to the complex social, behavioral, and systemic challenges they will encounter. Graduates will possess the professions’ knowledge, values, skills, and cognitive and affective processes necessary to ethically adapt and advocate for the comprehensive justice of all people. We strive to develop lifelong learners who are committed to justice, human relationships, cultural competence, humility, and serving the most vulnerable populations. 


GVSU BSW Program Mission Statement:

As an established School of Social Work in the region, the mission of the GVSU BSW program is to develop well-rounded generalist social workers who recognize and understand the worth of all people, and are prepared to address the unique needs of vulnerable individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities in West Michigan, the State, the Nation, and globally. We value diversity, serving our community, scientific inquiry, relationships, and ethical practice and are united by a commitment to our students, the profession, and the University. Graduates will be lifelong learners, prepared for advanced studies and a values-driven, service-oriented professional life. Through our ecologically-minded, research-informed, rights-based, anti-racist, anti-oppressive, and social justice approach to education, graduates will be skilled and knowledgeable in ethical practice, comprehensive justice, cultural competence, and inclusion. Graduates will be prepared to apply their knowledge to serve their communities, enhancing human rights and relationships and fighting poverty. Our high-impact generalist curriculum, including field education, will produce skilled social workers with a well-rounded liberal arts foundation who are committed to enhancing the well-being and equity of all people and reflecting the values of the profession.

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Page last modified December 16, 2024