HLC Substantive Change Guide

As Grand Valley State University evolves and grows to improve our educational quality, we are reminded that we also need to continue maintaining the Higher Learning Commission’s (HLC) accreditation standards.
As such, certain institutional changes, which HLC calls “substantive change,” may require notification to, or prior approval from, HLC. The Higher Learning Commission will not approve changes retroactively.
It is imperative that GVSU’s Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) and AVP of Academic Affairs, Sean Lancaster, be informed of any potential institutional changes as soon as possible.
Below is a guide to the types of changes that require prior HLC approval or HLC notification, both of which require notification to GVSU’s ALO. As the ALO manages all communication between GVSU and HLC, please contact GVSU's ALO with any questions.
Requires Prior HLC Approval
Notify ALO during Planning/Approval Process |
Addition of academic program(s) at a degree of credential level not previously included in the institution’s accreditation by HLC. |
Addition of academic program(s), including Title IV-eligible Certificate programs not related to existing degree programs, that represent a significant departure from programs previously included in the institution’s accreditation. |
Addition of a direct assessment program or the addition of competency-based programs wherein the academic program is organized around competencies. |
Addition of academic programs that require allocation of substantial financial investment of resources. |
Changes in the mission of the institution or its educational objectives. |
Changes in the character or nature of the student body (e.g., seeking international students for the first time, acquiring students being taught-out of programs, etc.). |
Initial offering of courses through distance education. |
Changes in any of the following thresholds:
Note that once approval is received for one of these thresholds, additional approval for the other thresholds is not required.
Initial offering of courses through correspondence education. |
Offering 50% or more of one program through correspondence education. |
Offering 50% or more of multiple programs through correspondence education. |
Establishment of a campus, including a branch campus, or an additional location, including for purposes of providing teach-out. |
Initiation of a contractual or other arrangement wherein an institution outsources 25%-50% of any educational program to certain other parties (e.g., an unaccredited institution). *Note that outsourcing more than 50% of any educational program will likely not be approved by HLC. |
Initiation of an institution’s first Pell-eligible prison education program at a first additional location and the initiation of the first Pell-eligible prison education program at a second additional location. |
Initiation of a second Pell-eligible prison education program in a modality (or other method of delivery) that differs from the modality or modalities used in any previously approved Pell-eligible prison education program. |
Change from clock to credit hours in one or more institutional programs. |
Substantial increase or decrease in the number of clock or credit hours (i.e., more than 50%) required for successful completion of an academic program. |
Change in term length (e.g., semesters to quarters or semesters to a five-week compressed term) that affects 25% or more of all the institution’s courses or programs. |
Increase or decrease in the number of credit hours per course in 25% or more of the courses in the institution’s curriculum. |
Requires HLC Notification
Notify ALO/HLC within 30 days |
Aggregate change of 25% or more of the clock hours, credit hours, or content of a program since the agency’s most recent accreditation review (June 2019 for GVSU). |
Changes in an existing program’s method of delivery. |
Change in the manner(s) in which an institution measures student progress, regardless of method. |
Development of customized pathways or abbreviated or modified courses or programs to:
Initiation of a contractual or other arrangement wherein the institution outsources less than 25% of any educational program to certain other parties (e.g., an unaccredited institution). |
Initiation of an institution’s subsequent (i.e., after the first program approval) Pell-eligible prison education program at any additional location. |