LakerLink Powered by Suitable Resources

Positions & Capabilities
Suitable Items |
Member (Student Population) |
Leader (Organization Executive Board) |
Manager (Organization Advisor and President) |
View public content in all organization profiles |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
View member-only content in assigned organization profiles |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Managing content of assigned student organization profile |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Create, edit, and delete Leader roles in assigned organization profiles |
No |
No |
Yes |
Create, edit, and delete Member roles in assigned organization profiles |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
View student organization membership list in assigned organization profiles |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Export and import list of student organization membership in assigned organization profiles |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Member Roles
The member role doesn't define a functionality that those associated with the student organization may have, but it acts as a title for the user when data on the student organization is reviewed. There are four types of member roles within a student organization:
- Member: reserved for the general student body.
- Advisor: reserved for faculty, staff, or other professional members at your institution that advise a student organization.
- Officer: a student organization leader.
- Other: if none of the roles above apply, choose Other.
- Note: the member roles do not act as access roles, and as such, they can differ from the role you choose as an access role. For example, an organization president could be given the Manager-level access role with an Officer-level member role. This is up to the student organization administrator's discretion.

Finally, you can choose what title applies to the user associated with the student organization, if applicable. There are seven default titles:
- Member
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Committee Chair
- Advisor
- Note: If none of these titles fit for the user you are adding, you can also type in a custom title.

Profile & Dashboard Editing
Keep in mind...
You are able to edit your account information, such as your name, profile image, preferred contact email, and password, on both the mobile app and the web. Review this article to learn how to edit account information on the mobile app.
- Any changes you make will immediately be visible on the web and mobile apps for you and other user who may be viewing your profile.
- You will not be able to update your university portal password via this page because it is through your student account and single sign-on (meaning you login to Suitable through the GVSU portal). You will have to update your password through GVSU student portal.
Editing your account information and adding a profile image via the web app:
1. Click the Settings tab on the left-side toolbar and navigate to the Scorecard Information section.
2. You can edit any field that's not grayed out; this includes your description box, graduation month and year, GPA, and scorecard opt-in/out.
3. To add a profile image, click the "Choose a file" option. You can upload an image from your computer, a link, a web search, Facebook, Instagram, or Google Drive.
3. Once finished, click Save Changes in the bottom right of the screen. If the update is successful, you will receive a "Nicely done! You have successfully updated your scorecard information." notification in green.
Editing your Account Information on the Mobile App
Keep in mind...
You are able to edit your account information, such as your name, preferred contact email, and password, on both the mobile app and the web. Review this article to learn how to edit account information on the web app.
How to edit your account information via the mobile app:
- Navigate to the Settings tab
- Tap the v to the right of Account & Scorecard Details and select Account.
- To edit other scorecard information, select Scorecard and tap any field without a lock symbol , as those fields with the symbol cannot be changed.
- Once finished, tap Update at the bottom of the screen. If no errors appear after updating, you have successfully changed your account information.
Any changes you make will immediately be visible on the mobile and web apps for you and other user who may be viewing your profile.
Notification Settings
Turning on Mobile App Notifications
Keep in mind...
Turning on app notifications allows your program to notify you of important information, updates on event details, and recommendations. It's a great way to stay informed on opportunities you might be interested in! You can turn app notifications on and off as you please.
How to turn on mobile app notifications:
1. Navigate to the Notifications tab
2. Tap Turn On App Notifications.
3. To confirm, tap Yes on the message that pops up.
Activity Types and Event Submissions
How to Create an Activity
Creating Event Activities
Keep in mind...
Use the Event activity type for workshops or events students can obtain credit for by scanning a QR code with the Suitable mobile app.
To Create an Event:
1. First, navigate to the Activities tab on the left-hand side of your pathway, and then select 'Create a new activity'.

2. The first tab you'll be brought to when creating the activity is to choose the type. To create an event-type activity, choose Event.

3. Next will be the Detail tab. Fill in all required information, as well as any additional information you may be aware of.

4. All events automatically will generate QR codes once created. Additionally, under the Validation tab in the activity wizard, you can decide whether you want to require administrator approval for the activity or not. By default, events will not require administrator approval.

5. Next is the Level and Competencies tab. You can associate as many competencies you feel are relevant to your event, but must choose at least one level and one competency.

Note: the number of competencies that you apply to an activity acts as a multiplier for how many points a student may earn, based on the level that is applied. Read more about how this works here!
6. The next tab you will come across is the Option of tab. Use this option if you will be adding this event as an additional option to a pre-existing experience set. If you won't be doing this, skip to the Date tab.

7. In the Date tab, because of the type of activity you are creating, you will need to add a start date and time, as well as an end date and time. You can also enable RSVP, set a capacity limit for RSVP attendance, and add a location in this tab if that is relevant to your event.

8. Finally, you'll arrive to the Preview tab. You can use this tab to ensure all information about your event is correct before publishing it to the Activity Stream by clicking 'Approve preview and post activity' in the top right!

9. After the activity has been posted, you'll receive an email with the QR code to display at your event so that students may earn points. You can also access this QR code by following the instructions in this article.
After the event has ended
- Your activity will automatically move to the Expired tab under the Activities page.
- You will be able to obtain a completion report for the event by following these instructions.
Activity Types
Keep in mind...
Suitable has multiple activity validation types available for you to choose from, depending on the type of activity you're looking to create. These options allow for your students to fully capture their co-curricular engagement while in your program.
Task Validations
Task Validations
Task validations are used for written assignments or reflections, or even portfolio submissions. They are also utilized when administrator approval is needed before points can be awarded for an activity.
When an activity has the Written Reflection validation type, you are asking a student to write a reflection on the activity to earn credit. A text box is provided to the student, which allows the student to write a short reflection on their experience, up to 5,000 characters. For reflections, it's important to remember to add a prompt for the student to respond to.

The portfolio submission option will require students to upload a document or file to satisfy the requirements of the task. This submission will also be made available in the student’s scorecard, where it can be shared out to employers or on their LinkedIn page. In the description of the activity, you should put what type of file the student needs to submit in order to complete the task.

Administrator Approval
Many tasks will require administrator approval before points are awarded to a student for completion of an activity. By enabling this validation, you are requiring that the student's submission or reflection be reviewed by an administrator before points are given to the student.

Event Validation
Events are utilized when a program has an activity that they would like for students to receive credit for attending. There are different ways to implement the Event activity option, such as using it for workshops, advising sessions, or in the traditional way, by attending an event. Events have an automatic validation: smart codes, or QR codes. When an event is created, a smart code will be automatically emailed to the administrator who created the event. There are two types of smart codes available in Suitable: branded or unbranded.
Note: if an event is edited after it has been created, the QR code will not change, so a new smart code will not need to be downloaded.

Smart Code
The first type of smart code provided in your platform is an unbranded smart code. This smart code can be used if you already have your own marketing materials that you'd like to use and simply need the smart code for the materials. When you choose "Get Smart Code," the below screen will appear, and you can right-click on the code and download it.

Branded Smart Code
The second type of QR code that is provided is a branded smart code. This will include your program's name, logo, the event name, details, and description. This code is provided to you in a printable PDF format once you choose "Download" and "View," after clicking "Get Smart Code."

Photo example of what the printable PDF could look like.
How to Copy an Activity
Keep in mind…
This feature is particularly useful for recurring events or activities. The only activity types that can be copied are Events, Point Total Activities, and Tasks.
Copying Activities in Your Program
1. Navigate to the Activities tab on the left-side toolbar and find the Activity you would like to make a copy of.
2. Click the three-dot ellipsis on the right of the activity and select Copy Activity.

3. Make the required changes to your copied activity, and once complete, approve preview and post activity to finish the process. You are done!

Changes could include the date of the event, validation requirements, level of the activity, etc.
Please note…
If the original activity was a part of an experience set you will have to re-add the copied activity to the set.

How to View an Event Smart Code
1. Navigate to the Activities tab on the sidebar and find the event you are seeking. Click the vertical three dot ellipses in the top-right corner of the activity to expand the menu.

2. Click Get smart code.

3. From there, a box similar to the below should pop up. Click Download then View.
- If students do not have the app or access to their phone at the time, you can provide them with the Direct completion link located below the QR code. Once the student clicks the link, they will be taken to to sign in. Once they sign in on that webpage, the points that event's points will be added to their Suitable account.
Note: If you share a completion link to one student, they can re-share that link. Anyone with the link will be able to complete the activity. We recommend using caution when sharing completion links.

4. Upon clicking View, a branded PDF document will pop up with the QR Code for you to save and use elsewhere.
- For virtual events, we recommend showing the QR code/providing the completion link at the conclusion of the event.

Adding and Removing a New Section to a Student Organization
Keep in mind...
Ensure that you have the proper administrator access before starting this process.
To add a new section to a student organization:
1. Click on on the 'Organizations' tab in the left-hand side bar.

2. Search for the student organization you would like to edit and click on the organization card.
3. In the organization, choose ‘Manage Student Org.’

4. From here, you will be taken to the organization wizard, where you can add a new section to a student organization by choosing ‘Add New Content Section.’

5. In this section, you can add resource links or use markdown functions to completely customize the information you provide to students. You can also make the section private or delete a section by clicking on the three dots option in the bottom left. Choose between three different privacy options or ‘Remove Section.’ The privacy options are:
- 'Make section public view': In addition to those with a Suitable login for the pathway, any individual without a Suitable login can view the content within the section.
- 'Make section all student view': All students with a Suitable login for the pathway can view the section.
- 'Make section members only': Only designated members of the student organization can view content within the section.

6. Once your new section is created, choose ‘Save Organization’ at the bottom of the organization wizard and return to your dashboard to view the Organizations tab and review the student organization.
Adding Hyperlinks to Content Sections
To get started, follow the steps in Editing an Organization.
1. After reaching the Profile tab of an Organization and creating the Section Title.
2. In the section information text box, type your desired content. For this example, enter: “Follow us on"
3. Highlight the word you want to hyperlink.
4. Click on the 'Add a link' icon.
5. The hyperlink title is located between the opening and closing brackets "[ ]". Type the URL you wish to link to in the following parentheses "( )".
Adding Users to Student Organizations
Adding Users to Student Organizations via Quick Add
Keep in Mind...
- These instructions are for adding pre-existing users to student organization profiles. If you are looking to add new users to your pathway, please refer to the User Management section.
- Ensure that you have the proper administrator access before starting this process. These include either a leader, manager, organization administrator access role.
- Adding users via quick add is better suited for adding a small amount of users.
How to add users via Quick Add
1. From a pathway associated with the organization, choose Organizations in the left-hand sidebar.

Alternatively, you can navigate to the Organizations page from the top logo.
2. Choose the student organization profile that you need to add users for.
3. Click on 'Manage student org' under the title of the student organization.

4. Then choose 'Members' at the top of the page to manage your members.

5. Under 'Choose Import Method', select 'Add members one at a time'. This will bring you into a form to add members based on the information you have.

6. First start by adding their username utilized in an associated pathway. This will typically be their institution email address.
7. Next choose their Access and Member Roles, and Title. If you need assistance with defining these values, please refer to this article.
8. If you have additional members to add, choose 'Add Another Member +' in the bottom right, or if you don't have additional members to add, choose 'Add Member'. You've successfully added a user to a student organization profile via Quick Add!
Adding Users to Student Organizations via Import for Organization Administrators
Keep in mind...
- You will need to have an organization administrator access role to add users via import.
- You can add students to multiple organizations with this type of access.
1. Click on your program’s logo in the top left corner of Suitable and choose your program’s institutional organization.
2. Go to Settings on the left hand side.
3. Navigate to the Student Org Members page.

4. Click 'Download student org membership import template.'

5. Fill out all of the required cells within the template.
- To find the student org ID, go to the organization's card and find it underneath the student organization name and directly above the 'Manage student org' button.
6. Once you have completed and saved the document to your computer, click 'Select File to Import Members.'

7. Once you have chosen the completed file, click the blue 'Import New Members' button.
8. Check your email to ensure that your file has been imported appropriately!
Editing Student Organizations
Keep in mind…
You will need to have institutional organization administrator access to add a new student organization.
To edit a student organization:
1. Click on the 'Organizations' tab in the left-hand side bar.

2. Search for the student organization you would like to edit and click on that organization's card.
3. In the organization, choose ‘Manage student org.’

4. From here, you will be taken to the organization wizard, where you can make any necessary changes to the sections within the organization, including adding and removing sections.
- Once an edit has been made to a section, you can choose the ‘Save Edit’ option for that specific section, or the overall ‘Save Organization’ option at the bottom of the wizard.
- To delete the organization, choose ‘Delete Organization’ at the bottom left of the wizard.

If a student organization page is deleted, that organization will need to go through the Student Organization Recognition Board new organization process to be officially recognized again.
5. Once all of your changes have been made, choose ‘Save Organization’ and return to your dashboard to view the Organizations tab and review the student organization.
Key Terms and Vocab
Activity - engagement opportunities made available to your students through your student development program, whether that be a task or an event.
Activity Level - the level of engagement required of your students to complete an activity. Typically expressed as Levels 1 through 5 in the Suitable site.
Administrative Approval - a type of validation available for both event- and task-type activities. By enabling administrative approval on an activity, you are requiring that an administrator approve a student's completion of the activity before points are rewarded. To access your pending approvals, navigate to the Approvals tab in the Suitable site.
Badges/Achievements - acts as a container for activities that students can complete to earn a digital badge. Activities can be grouped together to form an achievable badge/achievement for students to work towards. Badge and achievement is used interchangeably.
Competency - skillsets that are chosen by administrators for students to work towards within your student development program. A common example of competencies would be the NACE Career Readiness competencies.
Completion - refers to when a student fulfills the requirements of an activity or a badge/achievement.
Dashboard - the first tab that you see when you sign into Suitable. This tab provides a high-level overview of your student development program's statistics, as well as contains shortcuts to other tabs, such as Student Management and Approvals.
Distribution List - A group of Push Notification recipients segmented by you, the administrator. Learn how to create a distribution list here.
Event - refers to a type of activity available in Suitable. Event-type activities will have a QR code validation and require a start and end date to be created. Event-type activities can be used for advising meetings, in virtual events, as well as at traditional in-person events.
Experience Categories & Tags - used to tag activities with important information and for easily sorting your activity reports. Experience categories act as the shell for experience tags. For example, an experience category could be "Student Population," indicating which student population the activity is available for, while an experience tag within that category could be "Honors Program" or "Athletics." Experience categories and tags can be managed under the Data tab in your Settings in Suitable.
Experience Set - acts as a smaller container for activities that students can complete to earn more points. Experience sets can be used to organize similar activities, as well as to create optional activities for completion of a badge/achievement.
Give Credit - refers to giving credit to students after an event has passed its end date who may not have been able to scan the smart code/QR code at the event. This action can be done by navigating to the activity, clicking on the three dots on the right side, and choosing Give Credit. Credit can be given individually or in bulk.
Incentive - motivation for students to complete an activity or badge/achievement. Incentives can be experiential, such as a 1-on-1 meeting with an employer, or tangible, such as a water bottle or laptop sticker.
Leaderboard - an area where students can see how many points they have earned and how they are generally progressing among their peers. The Leaderboard can be used for competitions among individuals or student groups, and can also be shared across campus to inspire engagement.
Point Total Activity - also known as PTA. A container of activities that requires a certain number of points to be completed in a level or competency. PTAs can have multiple level and/or competency requirements.
Pathway - refers to the different sites that students or administrators can access, tied to their school/program. If your school/program has multiple pathways available, these can be accessed by clicking on the pathway logo in the top left corner of Suitable.
Points - the numerical value associated with an activity that students can earn when completing an activity in Suitable. Points are associated with each of the five (5) levels, with Level 1 activities earning 10 points, Level 2 activities earning 20 points, Level 3 activities earning 50 points, Level 4 activities earning 75 points, and Level 5 activities earning 150 points. Activities can be worth more points if they are paired with multiple competencies.
Portfolio - used within a student's scorecard to display deliverables the student has submitted to activities, as well as independent work the student has completed that they've added to their portfolio. To view a student's portfolio, you can search for the student in Student Management, under settings, then click on the blue person icon. This will take you to the student's scorecard, where you can then navigate to the Portfolio tab at the top.
Push Notifications - a form of communication that is sent directly to students' mobile devices via the Suitable mobile application. Push notifications generally contain links or small bites of information to engage students with their program. Push notifications can be created by administrators in the Notification tab of their Suitable site.
Scorecard - a feature within Suitable that acts as a co-curricular profile for students to display to employers or any other interested parties, showing the badges/achievements they have earned, how many points they have accumulated in each competency area, and any submissions or independent work items they have made displayable to the public via their Portfolio tab. To view a student's scorecard, you can search for the student in Student Management, under Settings, then click on the blue person icon. This will take you to your student's scorecard.
Smart Code/QR Code - a form of validation used for event-type activities in Suitable. Smart codes/QR codes are made available at events, where students can scan the code with their smartphone and automatically receive points. Smart code and QR code is used interchangeably. To retrieve a smart code/QR code for an event, navigate to the activity you need the code for, click on the three dots on the right side, and choose Get Smart Code. An unbranded code will be provided to you, but you can also obtain a branded code by choosing Download, then View.
Suitable Mobile App - the Suitable mobile application made available for students on their smartphone. This app is essential to taking advantage of all of Suitable's functionalities. The app is available on both the App Store (Apple devices) and Google Play Store (Android devices).
Suitable Web App - the Suitable website made available for both students and administrators. The website is essential for administrators in managing their student development program, and students in submitting to certain activities, such as those with a submission-based validation. The Suitable website is accessible at
System Level - refers to the level that students have achieved in completing activities. Typically reflected on the Leaderboard and on student scorecards. Students need to complete three (3) activities in every competency at each activity level to move up a system level.
Task - refers to a type of activity available in Suitable. Task-type activities have the option of requiring a submission or reflection validation, or no validation at all. Task-type activities are typically used for asynchronous activities that do not require attendance to an event (such as watching a YouTube video), as an after-event reflection space, or for students to submit a deliverable from an experience (such as a resume or capstone paper).
Validation - what students must do to complete an activity and earn points. There are four (4) validation types available for activities: written reflection, portfolio submission, administrator approval, and smart code/QR code validation (reserved for event-type activities only). More information about validation types can be found here.