

Upcoming Report of the Trustworthiness Project

October 29, 2017

The KBEI Trustworthiness Project will be reporting their first research-based rankings of Michigan's top publicly-held companies in mid-January, 2018.

Bringing Neuroscience into the Teaching of Ethics

July 17, 2017

Michael DeWilde, Koeze Business Ethics Initiative director, published a recent article in which he offers three assertions, common objections, and his responses about why we must begin to incorporate neuroscience into teaching ethics.

The Three Levels of Work

May 3, 2017

Koeze Co. CEO Jeff Koeze reflects on three different levels of work, and how to nurture and develop the disparate skills needed at each level of work.

The Box: A Collateral Consequence of a Criminal Conviction

April 13, 2017

U of M law school graduate and state appellate court clerk Meredith Osborne reflects on the practice of using criminal background screenings to exclude applicants with prior felony convictions from consideration and its impact on Michigan employers.


March 20, 2017

Trust is a fickle thing. It is the cornerstone of the business transaction. Deals ride on a handshake when trust is high, or are embroiled in contracts when trust is low. Since trust is so important, what is it and how can we manage it? by Kevin Lehnert

Conscious consumerism is a lie. Here's a better way to help save the world.

March 2, 2017

Sustainable lifestyle blogger Alden Wicker argues that making series of small, ethical purchasing decisions while ignoring the structural incentives for companies' unsustainable business models won't change the world as quickly as we want.

Hypocrisy and Responsibility: On the Uses and Abuses of tu quoque for Life

February 21, 2017

Tu quoque is a type of fallacious reasoning that trades on the moral badness of hypocrisy. Professor Andrew Spear examines the fallacy in contemporary American politics.

An Eminent Psychiatrist Demurs on Trump's Mental State

February 14, 2017

An author of the DSM-IV writes to the Times warning about the ethical constraints of psychiatric diagnoses of subjects from a distance.

The Ethical Landmines of the Constitutions Emoluments

January 27, 2017

Koeze Business Ethics Initiative's director Michael DeWilde published a recent column on the ethical challenges facing office holders who have complex international business dealings and the role of public trust in civic life.

Who you gonna trust?

October 14, 2016

The Herald Palladium on the KBEI's trust survey.

Page last modified April 19, 2023