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Board of Trustees (BOT)

The Board of Trustees has adopted its general philosophies and policies of the University and provides guidance to the Administration in its development of operating policies and procedures.  The Board of Trustees' Bylaws contain the operating procedures of the Board. All additions, deletions, and revisions to the Bylaws and the policies of the Board may be made only with the approval of the Board.

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Title Policy Number Responsible Office
Board of Trustees' Bylaws BOT Bylaws Office of General Counsel

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Board Policies

Title Policy Number Responsible Office
Academic Affairs BOT 3.1 Office of General Counsel
Academic Freedom BOT 4.2.2 Office of General Counsel
Academic Governance BOT 3.1.4 Office of General Counsel
Academic Policies BOT 3.3 Office of General Counsel
Academic Support Units BOT 3.1.3 Office of General Counsel
Adjunct Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Appointments BOT 4.5.1 Office of General Counsel
Adjunct Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Benefits BOT 4.5.3 Office of General Counsel
Adjunct Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Compensable Service BOT 4.5.2 Office of General Counsel
Adjunct Executive, Administrative, and Professionals Staff BOT 4.5.0 Office of General Counsel
Chapter 0 - Definitions BOT 0.0 Office of General Counsel
Development Division BOT 8.5 - 8.10 Office of General Counsel
Division of People, Equity and Culture BOT 9.1 - 9.10 Office of General Counsel
Enrollment Development - Recruitment and Retention BOT 10.1 - 10.10 Office of General Counsel
Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff BOT 4.4.0 Office of General Counsel
Faculty - Tenured and Tenure Track BOT 4.2.1 Office of General Counsel
Finance and Administration - Audits BOT 6.5 Office of General Counsel
Finance and Administration - Authorization to Approve Collective Bargaining Agreements BOT 7.10 Office of General Counsel
Finance and Administration - Contracts BOT 7.1 Office of General Counsel
Finance and Administration - Debt Policy BOT 6.7 Office of General Counsel
Finance and Administration - Description of Fund Groups BOT 6.2 Office of General Counsel
Finance and Administration - Economic Development BOT 7.9 Office of General Counsel
Finance and Administration - Facilities BOT 7.5 Office of General Counsel
Finance and Administration - Fidelity Bonds BOT 7.4 Office of General Counsel
Finance and Administration - Financial Activities BOT 6.3 Office of General Counsel
Finance and Administration - Intercollegiate Athletics BOT 7.7 Office of General Counsel
Finance and Administration - Interest Rate Management Agreements Policy (Swaps) BOT 6.8 Office of General Counsel
Finance and Administration - Investment Management BOT 6.6 Office of General Counsel
Finance and Administration - Limitations of Authority BOT 6.4 Office of General Counsel
Finance and Administration - Objectives BOT 6.1 Office of General Counsel
Finance and Administration - Public Safety & Parking BOT 7.6 Office of General Counsel
Finance and Administration - Purchasing Policy BOT 7.2 Office of General Counsel
Finance and Administration - Risk Management BOT 7.8 Office of General Counsel
Finance and Administration - Travel and Meetings Policy BOT 7.3 Office of General Counsel
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - Conflict of Interest BOT 4.1.6 Office of General Counsel
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - Disciplinary Procedure BOT 4.1.4 Office of General Counsel
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - Emeritus Appointment BOT 4.1.7 Office of General Counsel
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - Equal Opportunity BOT 4.1.2 Office of General Counsel
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - Honorary Titles BOT 4.1.8 Office of General Counsel
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - Identification Cards BOT 4.1.13 Office of General Counsel
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - Keys BOT 4.1.12 Office of General Counsel
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - Obligations of Appointees BOT 4.1.10 Office of General Counsel
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - Parking BOT 4.1.11 Office of General Counsel
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - Personnel BOT 4.1.1 Office of General Counsel
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - Personnel Information BOT 4.1.5 Office of General Counsel
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - University Responsibilities BOT 4.1.3 Office of General Counsel
General Personnel Policies for Faculty and Staff - Verification of Credentials BOT 4.1.9 Office of General Counsel
Information Technology BOT 11.1 Office of General Counsel
Kinds of Regular Executive, Administrative and Professional Staff Appointments BOT 4.4.1 Office of General Counsel
Non-Tenure Track Faculty BOT 4.3.0 Office of General Counsel
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Benefits BOT 4.3.3 Office of General Counsel
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Complaint Procedure BOT 4.3.4 Office of General Counsel
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Salary Administration BOT 4.3.2 Office of General Counsel
Official Degrees BOT 3.2 Office of General Counsel
OMNI BOT 12.1 Office of General Counsel
Personnel Policies for Confidential Professional Support Staff BOT 4.9 Office of General Counsel
Personnel Policies for Maintenance, Grounds, and Service Staff BOT 4.7 Office of General Counsel
Personnel Policies for Professional Support Staff BOT 4.6 Office of General Counsel
Personnel Policies for Public Safety Staff BOT 4.8 Office of General Counsel
President's Office and Administrative Structure BOT 2.1 - 2.7 Office of General Counsel
Procedures for Regular Faculty Appointment Renewal, Promotion, Tenure, and Dismissal for Adequate Cause. BOT 4.2.10 Office of General Counsel
Regular Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Probationary Period BOT 4.4.2 Office of General Counsel
Regular Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Benefits BOT 4.4.9 Office of General Counsel
Regular Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Complaints BOT 4.4.7 Office of General Counsel
Regular Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Grievances BOT 4.4.8 Office of General Counsel
Regular Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Reduction in Force BOT 4.4.5 Office of General Counsel
Regular Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Resignations BOT 4.4.3 Office of General Counsel
Regular Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Salary Administration BOT 4.4.6 Office of General Counsel
Regular Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Terminations BOT 4.4.4 Office of General Counsel
Regular Faculty - Kinds of Regular Academic Appointments BOT 4.2.3 Office of General Counsel
Regular Faculty Academic Tenure BOT 4.2.8 Office of General Counsel
Regular Faculty Applicability to Executive, Administrative, and Professional Positions and other administrative assignments. BOT 4.2.11 Office of General Counsel
Regular Faculty Areas of Evaluation for Renewal of Probationary Appointments, Promotion, Tenure, and Periodic Performance Reviews BOT 4.2.9 Office of General Counsel
Regular Faculty Benefits BOT 4.2.30 Office of General Counsel
Regular Faculty Complaint Procedure BOT 4.2.18 Office of General Counsel
Regular Faculty Grievance Procedure BOT 4.2.16 - 4.2.17 Office of General Counsel
Regular Faculty Initial Appointment BOT 4.2.6 Office of General Counsel
Regular Faculty Merger or Reorganization of Appointment Structures BOT 4.2.14 Office of General Counsel
Regular Faculty Probationary Appointments BOT 4.2.7 Office of General Counsel
Regular Faculty Procedures for the Awarding of Sabbatical Leave BOT 4.2.25 Office of General Counsel
Regular Faculty Rank BOT 4.2.5 Office of General Counsel
Regular Faculty Reduction in Force BOT 4.2.15 Office of General Counsel
Regular Faculty Resignation BOT 4.2.12 Office of General Counsel
Regular Faculty Salary Administration BOT 4.2.20 Office of General Counsel
Regular Faculty Termination Processes and Disciplinary Action BOT 4.2.13 Office of General Counsel
Regular Faculty Written Statement of Appointment (Including Joint Appointments) BOT 4.2.4 - Office of General Counsel
Student Affairs BOT 5.1 Office of General Counsel
Tuition and Fees and Housing Room and Board BOT 6.9 Office of General Counsel
University Communications BOT 8.1 - 8.4 Office of General Counsel
University Values, Vision, and Mission BOT 1.1 - 1.3 Office of General Counsel

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Michigan Constitution

Title Policy Number Responsible Office
Michigan Constitution of 1963 BOT MI Constitution Office of General Counsel

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Michigan Legislation (Initial Charter)

Title Policy Number Responsible Office
Michigan Legislation Initial Charter BOT MI Legislation Charter Office of General Counsel