Student Scholars Day Speaker Fund Grant


Student Scholars Day celebrates scholarship and research at GVSU. The purpose of the SSD Speaker Fund is to support academic units as they continue this celebration throughout the year, and recognize the work of diverse scholars within the academic disciplines by offering them the opportunity to tell their stories to our community. Specifically, the SSD Committee and OURS invite departments to apply for supplemental funds to bring diverse scholars to campus to speak to their students. Invited scholars must meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Invited scholar represents a minoritized voice within the discipline;
  • Invited scholar uses innovative and/or disruptive approaches to applying disciplinary knowledge, which are not well-known or marginalized in the discipline;
  • Invited scholar’s story represents a diverse narrative of success that inspire undergraduates within the discipline.


Academic units can apply for up to $500 to support presentations and academic lectures. If a speaker invitation is in collaboration with other units/departments, the applying departments may jointly request up to $750.

Application deadline

Awards are given twice per year. Applications are reviewed by members of the SSD Committee and an OURS designee. Deadlines are August 1st and February 1st. Notice will be given to applicants within twenty business days. Two awards will be available per award cycle.  A unit may receive one award per year, including joint awards.

Page last modified October 2, 2023