Become a Tutor

We Are Hiring!

If you are interested in becoming a tutor for the Laker Academic Success Center for Fall 2023, please reach out to Teagan Brill ( for more information and a link to the application. 

We are always looking for students who can tutor any MTH, CHM, BIO, BMS, ACC, PHY, STA, and PSY courses.

The following are requirements for becoming a tutor:

1.     You must have completed at least one (1) full academic year at Grand Valley

2.     You must have taken the course OR a higher level of the course at Grand Valley in order to be eligible to tutor the course

3.     You must have received a B+ or better in any courses you intend to tutor

If you have any additional questions about the position, please contact Teagan Brill (s_brilltea@gvsu.eduor by phone at (616) 331-3328.

Page last modified January 4, 2024