
Zen Observance of Remembrance: Jizo Ceremony for Children And All Others, Who Have Died


Date and Time

Saturday, October 7, 2017 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM


Jizo is a Japanese Bodhisattva, the protector of women and Children. Jizo helps our loved ones travel to the other side after death. In the Jizo ceremony, we gather to acknowledge and mourn the death of children, born and unborn, and other loved ones. We make offerings and say good-bye in a ceremony of remembrance and letting go, with the intention of nurturing and tending both the beings who have died and the beings who continue to live. Here we will spend time in silence creating offerings for the safe passage of children who have died and make prayer flags to hang on a juniper bush at Just Sit Zendo.

Traditionally, we create red hats/bibs/garments to adorn a Jizo statue. Materials will be supplied, but if you have a special garment or object you wish to incorporate into your offering, please bring this item. You may either leave your offering with the Jizo at Just Sit Soto Zen Zendo, or take the item home with you.

All are welcome. Pre-registration is required.

Registration fee for the ceremony is $10 per person and includes materials. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.


TO REGISTER and for more information contact Shuji Mintzmyer, 712-216-3293 or [email protected]

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Page last modified September 28, 2017