Inclusion Advocate/Champion Application

Please complete the following form. (*) denotes a required field.

Personal Information

First Name: *

Last Name: *

G Number: *

Campus Address: *

Department: *

Job Title: *

Job Type: *

Start Date with GVSU: *

Are you tenured? *

Application Information

Have you attended an Institute for Healing Racism program? *

What year did you attend? *

Please state why you would like to become an inclusion advocate: *

Please list your previous work, service or learning experiences that are related to advocating for inclusion (across any dimension of diversity, including: age, color, disability, familial status, height, marital status, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex/gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, veteran status, or weight etc.): *

Please describe the strengths you bring to this role: *

Please list any other information you feel is relevant: