
Dinner & Dialogue: Cross-curricular Connections & Celebration

Dinner & Dialogue: Cross-curricular Connections & Celebration

Date and Time

Thursday, December 12, 2024 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM


You can RSVP for this event




Regency Room, DEV 102E

401 West Fulton St

Grand Rapids MI 49504


Groundswell will be hosting Dr. Annie Whitlock as our keynote speaker. Dr. Whitlock is a GVSU history/social studies faculty and the current President of the Michigan Council for the Social Studies. She has an extensive background in place-based work and is the author of Place-Based Social Studies Education: Learning from Flint, Michigan and Hollywood or History? An Inquiry-Based Approach to Using The Simpsons to Teach Social Studies. We are thrilled to host her and learn about the importance of place-based education in today's classroom culture and as a tool to enhance student engagement!

Following Dr. Whitlock's presentation, we will have a series of small/large group discussions about place-based education and ample time to socialize and connect with peers. Join us for an evening to relax, celebrate, and learn!

Join us at our December Dinner & Dialogue as we dive into the theme of Developing Community Partnerships. This event is a celebration of the Groundswell community and thank you to the educators and partners who support the Groundswell Stewardship Initiative.

These PLO events are open to any educators interested in learning more about Groundswell, those who are actively working on their student projects already, or those looking to learn more about researching environmental and community issues!

SCECH credits available: 2.5

This event has been tagged as educator, educators, environmentaleducation, placebasededucation, professionallearning, professionallearningopportunity, teacher, teachers, and teachertraining.


Questions? Please contact our staff at: [email protected]

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Page last modified December 4, 2024