Panopto: FAQ

Panopto FAQ

Provisioning a Course with Panopto

This is a one time step per course and will follow the course if it is copied to the next semester

Panopto and Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

PII data such as medical, financial, passport, or social security numbers are considered sensitive data and therefore, is prohibited to use Panopto for delivering content with this information.  Panopto’s license includes the following statement: "Licensee represents and warrants that Licensee shall not provide Licensee Content that is "personally identifiable information" or "protected health information" as may be defined by Privacy Laws. Licensee is solely responsible for obtaining necessary permissions and consents relating to its provision of the Licensee Content.” Classroom related work and content is not considered sensitive PII information.

Related Policies:

·       Confidentiality, Data, and Security Policy

·       Privacy Policy Statement

·       Computing Conditions of Use

We have scheduled several Panopto hands-on workshops throughout the month of May which will be repeated all summer long, as well as through the fall  and winter semester. Hands-on workshops for Panopto can be found in Sprout. We are also in the process of developing handouts and video tutorials and will make them available on

If you have a shared department computer or laptop with Windows 10 without administrator access, and would like to have Panopto installed on this system, please submit an IT Services request.

All video links will be broken and will display as “missing content” in Blackboard.  After June 30th, all user will need to edit their video links and replace them using the Panopto mashup tool.

Page last modified July 19, 2019