The Networking and Security Lab (better known as NSL) is dedicated to conduct applied research in computer networking, systems security and cybersecurity. Specific research areas supported by this lab include the Internet of Things (IoT) security, WAN optimization and security, cybersecurity and digital forensics, critical infrastructure, DNS systems, and network intrusion detection and anomaly analysis. Equipment house in this lab includes Dell research workstations for student use, Dell server infrastructure to support research activities, Cisco Air-AP38021 Wireless LAN infrastructure, Cisco 2900 series switching, and Cisco 2800 series routing appliances. These are all in place so as not to affect campus infrastructure, switching, and routing equipment.
NSL research is published in refereed conferences and journals as well as integrated into teaching courses in computer networks and security areas, such as CIS 337, CIS 338, CIS 358, CIS 375, CIS 430, CIS 457, CIS 458, CIS 518, CIS 615, CIS 616, and CIS 617. The NSL is accessible using a CIS keycard. If you are interested in becoming involved in the research coming out of the NSL, please reach out to any of the following faculty members:
Andrew Kalafut – [email protected]
Vijay Bhuse – [email protected]
Mostafa El-Said – [email protected]
Samah Mansour – [email protected]
Xinli Wang – [email protected]
Be sure to check out the video tour below of the NSL with Dr. Andrew Kalafut!