
Python Wave Program Launched

January 30, 2023

Python Wave Program Launched

The School of Computing recently launched a weekly study group for CIS 160, 162, and 163 students called The Python Wave Program to help first-year Computing students feel welcomed, supported, and connected from the beginning.

Lindsey Burns, the School of Computing Programs Assistant, dreamed up this group. “These three classes set the foundation for our programs and mastering the topics they cover is vital to being able to build upon these skills, and to finding overall success in computing.  We want our students to be successful.”

Rather than break students up by class, groups are formed based on the concepts students are struggling with each week, creating a collaborative effort of helping each other, and learning together, with our Student Ambassadors leading the way.

The first meeting on January 20 had an incredible turnout of thirty students. Two faculty members, Professors Woodring and Kurmas jumped in to support our Student Ambassadors and ensured everyone received the support they needed. Thank you to them both for taking the time to lend a hand.  

The Python Wave Program meets every Friday from 3:00 to 5:00 pm in the Student Success Center, MAK C-2-205.






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Page last modified January 30, 2023