Applied Computer Science Master's Thesis

* denotes a required field

Student Information

Project Information

Thesis Committee

RCR Training

I will complete the required RCR training.

I agree to the RCR policy. *

Photo Release

I give permission to GVSU to use, without charge and without reservation, my likeness in any medium and for any lawful purpose, including promoting the institution, its programs and services. I waive any rights of action I may have and release GVSU and its licensees from any and all claims I may have arising from use of my likeness, including any right to sue for defamation or violation of my right of privacy or publicity.

I agree to the photo release policy. *


I agree that my final report may be submitted and published with ScholarWorks, and thus be made publicly available. (If you have reservations about this, please talk with your project advisor.)

I agree to the ScholarWorks policy. *

AI Usage Policy
  1. Students using AI for research project, thesis, or dissertation work must have prior approval from their faculty research project advisor or thesis or dissertation committee chairperson.
  2. If AI tools are used, it must be disclosed in the acknowledgement section of the research project, thesis, or dissertation and students must clearly identify which part of their work is generated or significantly influenced by AI, making sure to provide proper citation and attribution where appropriate.

I agree to follow the AI Usage Policy above and will consult with my thesis advisor prior to using any sort of AI for this project. *

Human Verification *

Page last modified December 17, 2024