Teach-in: "Does Race Matter?"

On November 6, 2015, our School of Social Work faculty and students planned and hosted a Teach-In entitled: “Social Work in the 21st Century: Does Race Matter?” This event was attended by over 600 students, faculty, and community members. The daylong experience included speakers, panels, workshops and a theatrical presentation.

The Teach-In engaged participants in an open and honest discussion around three overarching themes. The first theme, “What does Race Mean in the United States of America?”, addressed various topics such as the idea of a post-racial society, the hyphenated America, white privilege and other topics. The second theme, “Lip Service to Action”, called upon participants to reflect on social work values and the profession’s commitment to social justice. The third theme, “Steps and Directions”, provided an invitation to attendees to engage in a dialogue with the goal of developing possible steps, directions, and actions to create a more inclusive and just community, for all.

It is their hope that this “Teach-In was the first of a number of events in which the School of Social Work team will engage with the University and Community to address critical topics regarding social justice, equity, and fairness.


Teach-in promotional poster




Page last modified October 5, 2017