Clans Of The Anishinaabek by Jason Quigno
GVSU Collection
The name "Anishinaabe" refers to the Odawa, Ojibwe, and
Potawatomi people. The Three Fire clans represented here are the:
Turtle (Mikinaak Clan), Bear (Mukwa Clan), Marten (Waabizhezhi Clan),
Hummingbird (Bineshiinh Clan), Sturgeon (Maame Clan), Loon (Maang
Clan), Eagle (Migiizi Clan) and Crane (Ajijaak Clan). Jason Quigno is
a local Grand Rapids artist and member of the Ojibwa (Chippewa) tribe.
In regards to this artwork, he states, "This sculpture fulfilled
one of my goals [to have an] Anishinaabe monumental sculpture downtown
Grand Rapids and near the Grand River. I made this for all
Anishinaabek so we could have a large monument representing some of
our beautiful stories and ways."