AP Professional Development Subcommittee


AP Professional Subcommittee

A. Purpose

To act as a representative body for the AP Committee on issues regarding Professional Development.  To report to the AP Committee any recommendations on Professional Development policies that affects the AP staff.   The AP Committee will review and make final recommendations, which are reported to the appropriate Executive Officers for approval.   

B. Composition

The Professional Development Subcommittee is composed of six elected AP staff members who will serve scattered two-year terms:  one elected person from each of the AP Groups (six total); one or two members from the AP Committee to serve as a liaison(s) and the Vice President for Human Resources, ex-officio, non-voting. 

C. Election Guidelines

Positions are a two-year term.  Members can be reelected, not to exceed two consecutive terms.  To provide continuity, elections for odd number groups will occur in odd years and the even number groups in even years.   Mid-term vacancies will be filled with appointments ratified by the AP Committee as needed.  With the exception of the liaison, Professional Development Subcommittee members cannot concurrently serve on the AP Committee, The Salary & Benefits Subcommittee, or the Awards Subcommittee.  

The officers will include a chairperson, a chair-elect, and a secretary.  The chair-elect will be chosen by the subcommittee by August of each year from first-year members.  The chair-elect will become chairperson in June of the following year.  The term of chairperson and chair-elect will be for one year.   A secretary will be appointed by the chairperson.  The Chairperson and the Secretary will be responsible for the distribution of minutes to all AP staff, through Group representatives. 

D. Responsibilities

The Professional Development Subcommittee will report to the AP Committee and have the following responsibilities:  

1.  To report to the AP Committee any findings and recommendations which are relevant to the professional development of AP Staff.

2.  To review and propose additional training and development opportunities for AP staff and make recommendations to AP Committee for further action. 

3.  To review the funding sources for AP staff development and to report these findings with recommendations to the AP Committee for future action.

4.  To review and make recommendations to the AP Committee any additional matters that are assigned to the Professional Development Subcommittee. 

Page last modified October 12, 2015