WEATHER ALERT: GVSU will move to REMOTE STATUS for Thursday, Dec. 5, 2024. Classes shift to remote.
GVSU Teach-In Anthropology Session (11/9)
November 13, 2017
Anthropology Faculty headed a workshop on confronting racial myths at the annual Teach-In, November 9th.
Medicinal Plants: Going, going, gone? - A case study from Kenya (10/12/17)
September 27, 2017
In the summer of 2017, Dr. Hedges launched the project by working with local Maasai healers to document medicinal plants used to treat common household illnesses and boost the immune system.
Anthropology Club Meeting 9/21/15
September 14, 2017
Join us for annual elections and event planning
People & Cultures of the World - Aren't You Curious?
March 14, 2017
People and Cultures of the World
Video - Social Science and Global Health: A Very Real Need (March 2, 2017)
March 13, 2017
Social science and global health: a very real need Guest Lecture by Dr. Juliet Bedford
Understanding the Zika Virus (March 3)
February 8, 2017
Health Forum offers a venue for open discussion on health topics pertinent to the well-being of the community.
Panel: Mobilizing Democracy: Lessons from Uganda
October 16, 2016
Panel: Mobilizing Democracy: Lessons from Uganda - How can government become more responsive to the voices of the people and to meet service needs for local communities? Panelists will discuss ways to 'mobilize democracy' on behalf of local communities.
Hybrid ANT 345 Section Added for Winter 2017: Register Now!
October 16, 2016
ANT 345-02 �Perspectives on Globalization� - Winter 2017 A HYBRID section is now added to Banner for student registration.
Class Announcement: Ethnographic Methods
April 20, 2016
ANT 400* CRN 24988 Fall 2016 MWF 2-2:50 p.m. Prerequisites ANT 204, CJ 101, SOC 201 (or permission of instructor)
Class Announcement: Intro to Cultural Anthropology (Spring)
April 20, 2016
LHH 102 � Monday/Wednesdays 12:00-3:20 p.m. ***To register, look for ANT 204-01 and CRN 36981