York Creek Management Plan - References


Beaulac, Michael N., and K.H. Reckhow. 1992. An examination of land use- nutrient export relationships. Water Resources Bulletin. 18(6): 1022.

Chang, George C., J.H. Parrish, and C. Soeur. 1990. The first flush of runoff and its effects on control structure design. City of Austin Environmental and Conservation Services Department. Austin, Texas.

Connell, Dick, P. E.. Kent County Drain Commission 1994. Personal communication.

Grand Valley State University. Water Resources Institute. 1994. A Technical Supplement to York Creek Watershed Project Watershed Management Plan. Publication No. MR 94-8.

Harvey, Bret C. 1987. Susceptibility of young-of-the-year fishes to downstream displacement by flooding. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 116: 851-855.

Horner, Richard R., J. Skupien, E. Livingston and H. Shaver. 1994. Fundamentals of Urban Runoff Management: Technical and Institutional Issues. Washington, D.C.

Leopold, Luna. 1968. Hydrology for urban planning - a guidebook on the effects of land use. US. Geological Survey Circular 554.

Michigan Department of Natural Resources. Surface Water Quality Division. 1993. A biological assessment of York Creek. Staff Report No. MI/DNR/SWQ-93/019. Lansing, Michigan.

Michigan Department of Natural Resources. 1993. Surface Water Quality Division. Guidebook to Best Management Practices for Michigan Watersheds. Lansing, Michigan.

Michigan Department of Natural Resources. Fisheries Division. 1969. York Creek field survey results. Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Novotny, Vladimir. 1991. Urban diffuse pollution: sources and abatement. Water Environment and Technology. December 1991. 60-65.

Peckarsky, Barbara L. 1984. Do predaceous stoneflies and siltation affect the structure of stream insect communities colonizing enclosures? Canadian Journal of Zoology. 63: 1523, 1528-29.

Schuler, Thomas, editor. 1994. First flush of stormwater pollutants investigated in Texas. Watershed Protection Techniques. 1(2): 88-89.

United States Department of Agriculture. Soil Conservation Service. 1986. Soil Survey of Kent County, Michigan. Lansing, Michigan.

US Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water. 1994. Weekly Water Notes. July 12.

Page last modified January 19, 2011