Bear Creek Stewardship Plan - Project Evaluation

The proposed Management Plan involves the implementation of a complex, interconnected set of activities. Evaluation of the Project outcomes must therefore be multi-faceted, interconnected, and creative.

An evaluation consultant will be utilized to design and oversee this effort. At a minimum, the design will involve site-specific assessments of sedimentation and bacterial contamination, along with measurements of other biological indicators of environmental quality.

Funds will be sought to secure baseline measures of NPS pollutants such as toxic chemicals and heavy metals, and to monitor any changes in these levels which occur over time. Changes in fish, macroinvertebrate and wildlife populations will also be monitored, along with the extent and quality of vegetative cover in the watershed.

The maintenance of BMPs by landowners will also be monitored and evaluated as part of the overall evaluation effort.

Page last modified January 19, 2011