Program Details: Middle East Technical University (METU)

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Middle East Technical University (METU), located near the Turkish capital of Ankara, is one of Turkey’s premier state-financed institutions of higher education. METU has a very strong emphasis in research and education in engineering and the natural sciences. While a wide range of subjects are offered at this prestigious University, it is best know for its excellence in science education. It is considered one of the very best Universities in Turkey and in Europe. Founded in 1956, METU has grown to serve a student population of more than 24,000. It adopted English as its language of instruction, so the vast majority of courses are taught in English. In Turkish, METU is Orta Dou Teknik Üniversitesi ODTÜ.

This program is ideal for more independent students and for students who are interested in Middle East Studies. METU is also a great option for Engineering students. Students will be expected to function quite independently during their time at METU.

METU Homepage

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2023 - 2024 Estimated Budget

ERASMUS+ SCHOLARSHIP is a program funded by the European Commission. The number of scholarships available each year may vary. Incoming students, who receive the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) scholarship receive 800 EUR per month for individual support and some amount of travel support, ranging from 275 EUR to 1500 EUR. 

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Visa Information

US citizens will be required to apply for a student visa to study at METU for a semester or a year. For additional instructions on the application procedures, please reference Turkey Visa Guidelines. Please note that the appropriate consulate or embassy must be consulted for the most up-to-date visa information.


Housing and Meals

METU has three types of campus dormitories; state, semi-private and private. All dormitories provide bedding. Meals are not included in the fee, but dormitories have canteens where students can eat breakfast and other meals for a nominal cost. All dormitories are located in the same general area near the campus shopping center and is amongst banks, a post office, the campus medical center and sports facilities. State housing is included in the program. Students wishing to upgrade to a different housing option may be required to pay an additional fee.




METU Course Options

METU offers a wide variety of courses each semester. The majority of courses at METU are taught in English. Most METU courses will transfer back to GVSU as 3 credits. Access the METU course information for a list of courses available and course descriptions.

How will the courses that I take at METU transfer back to my GVSU Transcript?

If the course you wish to take at METU appears on the "Existing Course Equivalencies" list, you do not need to secure course approval for that course. The course has already been approved by the GV academic department.

 Existing Course Equivalencies

Note: This is not a complete list of course options offered at this partner institution

Travel Information

Students will fly into Ankara, Turkey’s capital. From the airport, students can either take a bus to the city center, then to campus or they can take a taxi to METU. Most taxis will not know METU, but they will understand the acronym ODTU.

Page last modified February 21, 2024