
Japan Study Abroad Info Session

Japan Study Abroad Info Session

Date and Time

Thursday, January 19, 2017 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM


Are you interested in studying abroad on the Japan Theatre & Language program? Attend this info session!

About the Program: 

Tokyo, and Osaka , Japan — This unique program provides students at multiple language levels the opportunity to immerse themselves in Japanese culture. The trip begins with three weeks in Tokyo, the nation's capital and cosmopolitan center, continuing with three weeks in Osaka, Japan's second largest city and center of the historically and culturally important Kansai region. Students will explore Japan's past and present by exploring Tokyo urban centers such as Shibuya, Shinjuku, and Akihabara and ancient shrine and temple complexes in Nikko, Kyoto, and Nara. 

The program includes two courses, one in Japanese theater and the other in Japanese language in practice. The Japanese theater course focuses on nô, kyôgen, kabuki, and bunraku, the four major genres of traditional Japanese theater, but also extends to more modern genres and the role of performance in everyday life. The language course is focused on putting language into active use and is open to students at all ability levels. Both classes take full advantage of the Japanese setting, with field trips to view live theatrical performances and regular language activities centered on completing concrete tasks through interaction with native speakers in the community


For more information, please visit:


Jeremy Robinson

D-2-136 Mackinac Hall


[email protected]

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Page last modified January 16, 2017