Classics Studies- American School of Classical Studies in Athens

In 1881 scholars from nine American universities banded together with a group of leading businessmen to establish the American School of Classical studies in Athens. Today, the school offers an unparalleled academic venue for students in Greek history, literature, and archaeology through the regular and summer programs. The summer sessions are an intensive introduction to Greece from antiquity through the modern period. The program emphasizes the topography and monuments of Greece in their historical context, the interpretation of literature and historical writings, and how ancient sources may be used to interpret archaeological discoveries. Each of the two sessions has twenty members and each session lasts approximately six weeks. Three weeks are spent in and around Athens and three weeks visiting the major sites in other areas of Greece. 

Program focus:

  • Greek art, architecture, archaeology, and topography

Best suited for:

  • Advanced students with serious intent to pursue graduate study in Greek archaeology or art history

Special considerations:

  • Intensive instruction that is physically and emotionally demanding
  • Primarily for graduate students; only a limited number of openings are available to undergraduates
  • Normally, only exceptional undergraduates with significant program-related career goals and prior preparation- including prior study abroad experience are admitted

Page last modified December 16, 2014