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English, BA - Language & Literature Emphasis

Student Outcomes

Assessment of Student Outcomes

Outcome G Identify and employ appropriate vocabulary re: literary texts (BA-LL)

Graduates with an English major and a Literature and Language emphasis will correctly identify/employ the vocabulary associated with the construction/operation of literary texts (for example, narrator/speaker, interior monologue, imagery, setting, meter, etc)..
Objective 1 80% of students will be able to perform at at least the C level on an examination that requires them to identify/employ the vocabulary of the construction/operation of literary texts.

Outcome H Identify and employ appropriate vocabulary re: critical theories (BA-LL)

Graduates with an English Major and an emphasis in Literature and Language will be able to correctly identify/employ the vocabulary associated with various critical theories (for example, patriarchal gender roles, classism, binary opposition, Afrocentrism, compulsory heterosexuality, etc).
Objective 1 80% of students will be able to perform at at least the C level on an examination that requires them to identify/employ the vocabulary of critical theory.

Measure 1

2021 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Students in 216 are, in general, above the threshold number but below the target number, with an average "assessment exam" score of 78.5.

Outcome V BA-LL-Language Variation

Students graduating with a degree in English and a concentration in Language & Literature will demonstrate comprehension of language variation and status, including awareness of prescriptive vs descriptive grammar and standard vs non-standard varieties of language.
Objective 1 80% of students will be able to perform at at least the C level on a comprehensive final exam covering the course objectives of ENG 261.