Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Statistics

Major in Statistics / Major in Mathematics

Note: You are permitted to split credits for a class that counts for both the Statistics Major and Mathematics Minor (e.g. you could give 2 credits of Calc II to the Stat Major and 2 credits to the Math Major) 

Requirements for a Major in Statistics

All majors must complete the following statistics core courses (Credits: 23)

  • STA 215 - Introductory Applied Statistics (3 credits) OR STA 312 - Probability and Statistics (3 credits)
  • STA 216 - Intermediate Applied Statistics (3 credits)
  • Two of the following:
    • STA 311 - Introduction to Survey Sampling (3 credits)
    • STA 315 - Design of Experiments (3 credits)
    • STA 321 - Applied Regression Analysis (3 credits)
  • STA 412 - Mathematical Statistics I (4 credits)
  • STA 415 - Mathematical Statistics II (Capstone) (4 credits)
  • STA 419 - Statistics Project (3 credits)

All majors must complete two of the following statistics elective courses (Credits: 6)

  • STA 301 - Questionnaire Design and Execution (3 credits)
  • STA 310 - Introduction to Biostatistics (3 credits)
  • STA 314 - Statistical Quality Methods (3 credits)
  • STA 317 - Nonparametric Statistical Analysis (3 credits)
  • STA 318 - Statistical Computing (3 credits)
  • STA 416 - Multivariate Data Analysis (3 credits)
  • STA 418 - Statistical Computing and Graphics with R (3 credits)
  • STA 421 - Bayesian Data Analysis (3 credits)
  • STA 426 - Multivariate Data Analysis (3 credits)
  • The third course from STA 311, 315, or 321

Application Cognates (a minimum of 6 credits)

Each major in statistics must select an area of application consisting of at least six credits from outside statistics.

Students must meet with their statistics advisor to develop specific plans for their Application Cognates.

Students are strongly encouraged to meet with their advisor as soon as their major in statistics is declared.

Cognate Requirements Credits: 15

  • MTH 201 - Calculus I (4 credits)
  • MTH 202 - Calculus II (4 credits)
  • MTH 227 - Linear Algebra I (3 credits)


and one of the following:

  • CIS 160 - Learn to Code in Python (3 credits)
  • CIS 161 - Computational Science (3 credits)
  • CIS 162 - Computer Science I (4 credits)
  • CIS 261 - Structured Programming in C (3 credits)

Requirements for a Major in Mathematics

Mathematics Core Requirements

All mathematics majors must complete the following courses:

  • MTH 201 - Calculus I Credits: 4
  • MTH 202 - Calculus II Credits: 4
  • MTH 210 - Communicating in Mathematics Credits: 4
  • MTH 227 - Linear Algebra I Credits: 3
  • MTH 310 - Modern Algebra Credits: 3
  • MTH 495 - The Nature of Modern Mathematics (Capstone) Credits: 3 OR MTH 496 - Senior Thesis (Capstone) Credits: 3

Additional Mathematics Course Requirements

Required mathematics courses

  • MTH 203 - Calculus III Credits: 4
  • MTH 408 - Advanced Calculus I Credits: 3


One of the following upper-level two-course sequences:

(Modern Algebra)

  • MTH 310 - Modern Algebra Credits: 3
  • MTH 410 - Modern Algebra II Credits: 3

(Advanced Calculus)

  • MTH 408 - Advanced Calculus I Credits: 3
  • MTH 409 - Advanced Calculus II Credits: 3


  • MTH 341 - Euclidean Geometry Credits: 3
  • MTH 431 - Non-Euclidean Geometry Credits: 3

(Analysis with Applications in Sciences)

  • MTH 300 - Applied Analysis I Credits: 3
  • MTH 401 - Mathematics for the Physical Sciences Credits: 4

(Linear Algebra and Applications)

  • MTH 327 - Linear Algebra II Credits: 3
  • MTH 360 - Operations Research Credits: 3

(Connections to the Physical Sciences)

  • MTH 304 - Analysis of Differential Equations Credits: 3
  • MTH 401 - Mathematics for the Physical Sciences Credits: 4

(Complex Analysis and Applications)

  • MTH 402 - Complex Variables Credits: 3
  • MTH 304 - Analysis of Differential Equations Credits: 3

(Applied Mathematics)

  • MTH 405 - Numerical Analysis Credits: 3
  • MTH 304 - Analysis of Differential Equations Credits: 3

(Analysis and Topology)

  • MTH 441 - Topology Credits: 3
  • MTH 408 - Advanced Calculus I Credits: 3



Additional Course(s):

From the following list for a total of 11 courses in mathematics:

  • MTH 300 - Applied Analysis I Credits: 3
  • MTH 304 - Analysis of Differential Equations Credits: 3
  • MTH 327 - Linear Algebra II Credits: 3
  • MTH 341 - Euclidean Geometry Credits: 3
  • MTH 345 - Discrete Mathematics Credits: 3
  • MTH 360 - Operations Research Credits: 3
  • MTH 401 - Mathematics for the Physical Sciences Credits: 4
  • MTH 402 - Complex Variables Credits: 3
  • MTH 405 - Numerical Analysis Credits: 3
  • MTH 409 - Advanced Calculus II Credits: 3
  • MTH 410 - Modern Algebra II Credits: 3
  • MTH 431 - Non-Euclidean Geometry Credits: 3
  • MTH 441 - Topology Credits: 3
  • MTH 465 - Automata and Theory of Computation Credits: 3

Mathematics Cognate Requirements

All mathematics majors not seeking teacher certification must complete the following requirements to satisfy the mathematics cognate requirements:

  • CIS 160 - Programming with Visual Basic Credits: 3  OR CIS 162 - Computer Science I Credits: 4  OR CIS 261 - Structured Programming in C Credits: 3
  • STA 312 - Probability and Statistics Credits: 3

and one course from the following:

  • BIO 355 - Human Genetics Credits: 3
  • BIO 375 - Genetics Credits: 3
  • CHM 351 - Introduction to Physical Chemistry Credits: 3
  • ECO 342 - Strategic Games Credits: 3
  • ECO 480 - Econometrics and Forecasting Credits: 3
  • EGR 304 - Innovation Credits: 3
  • GEO 440 - Geohydrology Credits: 3
  • GEO 470 - Geophysics Credits: 4
  • HSC 201 - The Scientific Revolution Credits: 3
  • PHI 203 - Intermediate Logic Credits: 3
  • PHY 230 - Principles of Physics I Credits: 5
  • PSY 300 - Research Methods in Psychology Credits: 3
  • STA 314 - Statistical Quality Methods Credits: 3
  • STA 412 - Mathematical Statistics I Credits: 4

See the Major in Mathematics Course list in the Course Catalog 

Page last modified September 15, 2020