Provost's Cabinet Members Evaluation Process

Annually, approximately one half of the college and Library deans will be evaluated by their tenured, tenure track and affiliate faculty (including faculty who are jointly appointed), AP and PSS staff, and other Provost's Cabinet members.  Annually, approximately one half of the other Provost's Cabinet members (deans, vice provosts, assistant or associate vice presidents) who oversee a unit other than a college or are responsible for a Divisional initiative will be evaluated by those faculty, AP and PSS staff, and other Provost Cabinet members with whom they regularly work. 

A compendious [360 degree] evaluation of each Provost's Cabinet member will be conducted by the Provost at the end of the fourth year. The compendious evaluation will use multiple measures and require a portfolio and detailed narrative from the Provost's Cabinet member.  The compendious [360 degree] evaluation will occur in mid-March, simultaneous with the Provost's Cabinet member review. The review by the “new constituencies” does not replace the Provost's Cabinet member evaluation but is undertaken to provide additional information to the Provost.

Provost's Cabinet Members Evaluation Process

Provost's Cabinet Members Compendious (Fourth-Year) Review Process


Page last modified March 28, 2019