How has President Haas affected your time at GVSU?

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Sean O. Power of 10 photo submission
8/7/15 3:10 PM
President Haas and I run into each other all the time at events, and he always greets me with smile and talks about the upcoming traditions. It's fantastic that not only does he make an effort to see all these students and members of the community. It's fantastic, that he goes out and asks about each of the students and gets to know them, I'm glad for the years we've had with T Haas and I hope for another 10 great years!

DeMario B. Power of 10 photo submission
8/13/15 6:20 PM
First of all, I just greatly admire him! There isn't a public President Haas and a private one. He's whole in that way, and the community has come to know that over time. He's everything we would want in a leader. President Haas has always made me feel like an incredibly valued member of the intellectual community here at Grand Valley and proves to be actively and genuinely engaged in faculty, staff, and students. He's personally called me his "friend" and each time he sees me at an event, he always makes his way over to speak. Congratulations, President Haas!

8/7/15 2:24 PM
President Haas and Marcia have been caring friends to our three boys since they were babies. In October 2010 my wife and I took the boys, who were then 8 and 6 years old, to Disney World. While waiting for the Hall of Presidents show, we were looking at all the paintings and busts of past presidents in the waiting area when one of the 6-year-olds asked most sincerely, "But where is our President Haas?"

Andrew T. Power of 10 photo submission
10/7/15 4:32 PM
When a university has a tradition called "Presidents' Ball" you know that is the university you want to attend. T. Haas is an outstanding president that is so invested into the Grand Valley community. Going to a ball for my president made my week, getting a picture with the president during Presidents' Ball made my year. With over 25,000 students, I feel lucky to have a picture with T. Haas.

8/7/15 2:25 PM
I'm proud to have a president who is extremely engaged with his university community, passionate about education, and never lacking a sense of humor. Congrats on 10 years T. Haas!

8/17/15 3:47 PM
T. Haas was kind enough to make a video in celebration of my victorious battle with cancer, as well as welcome me to becoming a Laker for a Lifetime! The video made me feel beyond thrilled to start my college journey as well as ball my eyes out!! When we finally got the chance to meet, it was a moment I will never forget! His enthusiasm, energy, and passion for Grand Valley made it all the more amazing! He truly has made GV feel like my home away from home. Thank you so much again!

Abbey S. Power of 10 photo submission
8/12/15 9:54 AM
When a president is willing to do anything to engage students and alumni, you know he is a spectacular leader. President T. Haas has worn ugly sweaters, made snow angels in a blizzard, gotten a bucket of ice dumped on his head, been in a rap video and competed for best mustache, and he has still managed raise the bar of academic excellence at Grand Valley. He and Marcia are true Laker celebrities; not for their status but for their kindness. Go Lakers!!

Robert Z. Power of 10 photo submission
8/18/15 11:48 AM
I remember T. Haas so intentional and present with students during my time at Grand Valley. My memories of him swearing me in on Student Senate, rowing at football games, and shaking hands with my parents at a tailgate remind me how much GVSU felt like family!

Donald M. Power of 10 photo submission
9/15/15 1:01 AM
T. Haas guest lectured in my fall 2014 "Organization and Administration of Higher Education" course. #SWAG

Pamela H. Power of 10 photo submission
9/14/15 10:50 AM
picture of T Haas behind the grill @ 2013 United Way pancake breakfast for team captains