
Mobilizing Democracy: Lessons from Uganda

Mobilizing Democracy: Lessons from Uganda

Date and Time

Wednesday, October 26, 2016 1:30 PM - 2:45 PM


Wednesday, October 26 1:30-2:45 PM
Lake Michigan Hall Room 114
FREE and open to the Public

Mobilizing Democracy
Lessons from Uganda

How can government become more responsive to the voices of the people to meet service needs for local communities?


Panel Presentation featuring:

Dr. Arthur Bainomugisha: Executive Director, Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE), an interdisciplinary, public policy research and advocacy think tank

Lillian Muyomba-Tamale: Research Fellow and Project Manager for the "Local Government Councils’ Scorecard Initiative” (LGCSCI) at ACODE

Gertrude Gamwera: Secretary General (President) of the Uganda Local Government Association, Kampala, Uganda

Event Flier


Russell Rhoads
[email protected]

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Page last modified October 17, 2016