Grand Valley International Relations

Welcome to International Relations (IR) at GVSU!

Are you interested in international events and trends? Can you envision a career in global affairs, international business, or law? Have you imagined working for a multinational corporation or an international non-profit institution? The IR program is a good place for you to start.

IR equips majors and minors with the tools they need to understand global and international trends. Our students seek to understand issues of global importance, including development, the environment, security, human rights, migration, and the interconnections between  governance, economics, power, and identity.

Our curriculum includes a strong interdisciplinary core, enhanced by a flexible set of electives that allow you to configure your studies to meet your own interests. 

Please explore our website and contact our Program Director, Professor Polly Diven, ([email protected]) for additional information.


Virtual Info Session: Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) & Inclusive Student Support

September 23, 2024 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Interested in intensive language study abroad? Join the CLS Director and Assistant Manager for Outreach and Selection to learn about inclusive student support with the CLS Program. The CLS Program...

The 2024 Election: Issues that Matter for College Students

September 23, 2024 4:30 PM - 5:45 PM

Join Political Science and International Relations faculty, students, and staff at our annual back-to-school open house for a discussion of key issues for college students to consider as we approach...

Virtual Gilman Writing Workshop - Workshopping your Essay Drafts - Approaching the Finish Line!

September 24, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Gilman Program Application Is Now Open!  You'll have thoughtful, engaging essay drafts developing at this point - Now is the time to reflect, revise, consider voice and audience!...

Virtual Info Session: Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) & STEM

September 24, 2024 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Interested in intensive language study abroad? Join CLS Program Officers and an alumni ambassador to learn about how the CLS Program can help set a student in STEM apart from the crowd. The...

Democracy 101: Your Voice Matters | Student Voice and Action

September 25, 2024 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Democracy 101 is a series of civic engagement informational seminars. Our second session will feature a panel of student leaders from organizations and others around campus who have made change....

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IR and PLS Alumni Starting Law School

IR and PLS Alumni Starting Law School

IR Alum Jessica Geisler is starting her JD studies this fall at Wayne Law.

Sep 18, 2024

McGhee wins 2024 Zeeb Scholarship for Study Abroad

McGhee wins 2024 Zeeb Scholarship for Study Abroad

Aaron McGhee is the winner of the 2024 Zeeb Scholarship for Study Abroad

Jul 3, 2024

Pullins Wins Outstanding Paper Award

Pullins Wins Outstanding Paper Award

Sarah D. Pullins is the winner of the Outstanding Paper Award for Political Science and International Relations.

May 3, 2024



Jackson Tisdale is the recipient of the Grand Valley in DC Scholarship for the 2023-24 academic year. The purpose of this alumni-funded scholarship is to assist students in pursuing internship opportunities in Washington, D.C.

Apr 5, 2024

Tafel Recognized for Excellence in Teaching

Tafel Recognized for Excellence in Teaching

Dr. Tafel wins Pew Teaching Excellence Award

Feb 19, 2024

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Shingi Mavima Spotlight

Shingi Mavima

2010 Graduate Finishing his Doctorate at Michigan State University

David Leestma Spotlight

David Leestma

Winner of Nationally Competitive Critical Language Scholarship

Courtney Johnston Spotlight

Courtney Johnston

Entrepreneur Founds Copywriting Business

Kristina Bray Spotlight

Kristina Bray

2013 Graduate Working as Customs Compliance Officer

Cody Gradwell Spotlight

Cody Gradwell

2015 Graduate Working in the Peace Corps and Teaching World History in Mongolia

View More Spotlights

Page last modified August 29, 2022