The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of requirements designed to ensure that ALL companies that process, store or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment. Any merchant that has a Merchant ID (MID) must comply and for the purposes of PCI DSS, GVSU is considered a merchant.

Stay up to date with latest requirements and ALERTS at Visa Merchant Resource Library

If you would like a quick reference guide on PCI standards click here!

Terminal Options to Purchase


Why We Need to Log

Help with inspecting your terminal

Daily Terminal Operation Inspection Form

Daily Terminal Operation Inspection                                     Log Sheet

Monthly Terminal Operation Inspection                                Log Sheet

Annual Terminal Operation Inspection                                 Log Sheet

Credit Card Left Behind                                                       Log Sheet

Compliance Policies

GVSU Acceptable Use Guidelines

GVSU Confidentiality and Security Policy

GVSU Onboarding New PCI Vendors

GVSU PCI Annual Merchant Checklist

GVSU PCI Malware Policy

GVSU PCI Processing Procedures

GVSU PCI Primary Department Contact

GVSU PCI Security Awareness Policy

GVSU Security Polices and Procedures DSS 3.2.1

GVSU PCI Incident Response Plan



Request Loaner Terminals

Loaner Terminal Credit Card Report

Credit Card Refund Request


NOTE: All suspected security breach incidents should immediately be brought to the attention of the CISO or any other member of the senior IT management for investigation. Contact the Office of Information Technology at (616) 331-2035 or email [email protected].

Page last modified September 25, 2024