The Student Ombuds is dedicated to providing a safe and private environment for students to discuss and process difficulties

Takeelia Garrett

Hello Lakers,

The office will have Zoom and phone appointments. Here is some information that you may find helpful to you.

Grade related issue:

If you have a problem with a grade in a previous class, the resolution of that is to seek the resolution at the lowest possible level, which means, you will begin with appealing to the faculty member from that class. This is the beginning of the Academic Grievance Procedures; Academic Policies and Regulations - Content & Navigation - 2023-2024 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog - Grand Valley State University (<>.

Basic Needs:

Are you in need of food, personal hygiene items, clothing, etc.? Visit this website for information on how to access these items in Allendale, downtown, or the CHS building.

Student Success:

Are you in need of campus resources to continue to help you to be a successful student? Find a list of things to help you in your pursuit of Laker Excellence here.

Campus Climate Concerns:

Have you ever felt belittled, disrespected, or isolated based on your identity? GVSU is committed to safeguarding your constitutional right to free speech and assembly but we are also committed to addressing incidents of Campus Climate Concerns that may affect someone and/or communities negatively at the university. Please report those here.

If you need further assistance and can’t find the information that you are looking for, please feel free to contact the Dean of Students Office at 616-331-3585.

Thank you!

Takeelia L. Garrett
Student Ombuds
[email protected]

Appointment/Meeting Request

The Student Ombuds can help with

  • Academic Dishonesty Concerns
  • Grade Disputes
  • Financial Concerns
  • Student Employment
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Policy/Procedure changes based on student feedback
  • And more all while you can remain anonymous  

The Student Ombuds DOES:

  • Listen impartially and provide unbiased feedback
  • Provide a private place to discuss complaints/consider options
  • Refer students to appropriate campus services and resources
  • Assist with problem-solving to minimize the escalation of conflict
  • Assist students in conflict to develop mutually acceptable outcomes
  • Encourage and empower students and to find their own solutions to problems and concerns
  • Coach students on how to have difficult conversations (non-defensive conversations)
  • Explain university policies/procedures
  • Observe any trends and share them with university administration
  • Recommend changes to policies and procedures based on trends
We Listen

The Student Ombuds empowers individuals to work through conflicts and concerns by acting as a trusted navigator and safe resource for students

We Support

The Student Ombuds seek to help individuals improve their skill and their confidence for effective conflict resolution

We Inform

The Student Ombuds may interpret and explain University policies and procedures. They may refer to formal University resources or help resolve issues between parties through informal mediation

The Student Ombuds DOES NOT:

  • Advocate for individuals/take sides
  • Offer psychological counseling
  • Keep records identifying individuals who meet with the Student Ombuds
  • Serve as an office of notice for filing a Title IX Complaint
  • Provide legal advice
  • Share personally identifiable information without permission
  • Make decisions (or change any decisions made by others)
  • Keep confidential any imminent risk of serious harm or danger as required by law
  • Conduct formal investigations or write formal investigative reports
  • Change policies or academic and administrative decisions 

Visit the International Ombudsman Association for more information.

Page last modified September 20, 2024