German Major and Minor Options

German Major Checklist

German Secondary Education major checklist - PDF printable

German minor checklist - PDF printable

German-BA (2022-2023)

German major (33 credits)
Core (15-18 credits)

__ GER 301: Composition* (3)
Prerequisites: GER 202 with a grade of C (not C-) or better or placement

__ GER 302: Conversation* (3)
Prereq: GER 202 with a grade of C (not C-) or better or placement
*GER 302 can be taken BEFORE GER 301

Unless otherwise noted, the pre-requisite for all 300 level courses is GER 301 and GER 302. One may be taken concurrently as long as the other has already been completed.

__ Choose one advanced language course from the following:
GER 341: Advanced German Grammar (3)
GER 342: Advanced Speaking (3)
GER 385: Study Abroad (3)

__ Choose one linguistics course from the following:
GER 321: Improving German Pronunciation (3)
GER 322: Introduction to German Linguistics (3)
GER 421: History of the German Language* (3)
Prereq: Two 300-level courses beyond GER 301 and GER 302 or permission of instructor

__ Choose one advanced Literature/Culture course from the following:
GER 401: Modern German Literature
GER 402: German Authors
Prereq for 401 and 402: Two 300-level courses beyond GER 301 and GER 302 or permission of instructor
GER 421: History of the German Language* (3)
Prereq: Two 300-level courses beyond GER 301 and GER 302 or permission of instructor

*GER 421 can double dip linguistics and 400 level course requirement

__ GER 495 Advanced Topics in German-Capstone (3)
Prereq: Senior with major in German

Electives (18 credits)
__ Elective Course GER __ (3)
__ Elective Course GER __ (3)
__ Elective Course GER __ (3)
__ Elective Course GER __ (3)
__ Elective Course GER __ (3)
__ Elective Course GER __ (3)

Elective options: Any course not taken from the above or any of the courses listed below.

  • GER 303, Introduction to German Literature I
  • GER 304, Introduction to German Literature II
  • GER 311, The Long Nineteenth Century
  • GER 315, German Cinema
  • GER 331, Business German
  • GER 386, German Culture and Society

Study Abroad: It is highly recommended that German majors study abroad for a semester or longer.

Please Note: Students interested in majoring in a language, who have taken high school courses in that language, are strongly recommended to take the appropriate Language Placement Test. Contact the Modern Languages and Literatures Department at (616) 331-3203.

German Major Checklist (2012-2013 catalog to present)

Required Courses Total 33 Credits beyond 202

__ 301: German Composition (prereq: 202 or placement) - offered Fall and Winter

__ 302: German Conversation (prereq: 202 or Placement) - offered Fall and Winter


  • 301 and 302 are prerequisites for all 300-level courses except 321; one may be taken concurrently with other 300-level course after the other has been completed. 
  • Majors must take one 400-level course (401,402,421) in the fall before the Capstone
  • Students choose an emphasis in Culture, Linguistics, or Literature and take two courses in their emphasis, 1 each of the two remaining categories, and 4 electives.


1 Literature course (2 if Literature Emphasis) 

__ 303: Intro to German Lit I - offered odd-numbered winters

__ 304: Intro to German Lit II - offered even-numbered winters

__ 401: Modern German Lit (Prereq: 2 300-level courses beyond 301/302 or permission of the instructor) - offered even-numbered falls in alternation with 402

__ 402: German Authors (Prereq: 2 300-level courses beyond 301/302 or permission of the instructor) - offered even-numbered falls in alternation with 401


1 Culture course (2 if Culture Emphasis)

__ 311: The Long Nineteenth Century - offered odd-numbered falls

__ 312: Contemporary German Culture - offered even-numbered winters

__ 315: German Cinema - offered even-numbered falls

__ 386: German Culture and society ( Summer Study Abroad in Schwäbisch Gmünd)


1 Linguistics course (2 if Linguistics Emphasis)

__ 321: Phonetics (Prereq: 202) - offered every fall

__ 322: Intro to German Linguistics - offered odd-numbered winters

__ 421: History of the German Lang. (Prereq: 2 300-level courses beyond 301/302 or permission of the instructor) - offered odd-numbered falls.


12 additional elective credits

__ 331: Business German

__ 341: Advanced Grammar 

__ 342: Advanced German Conversation

__ 385: German Languages (Summer Study Abroad in Schwäbisch Gmünd)

__ other study abroad


__ 495 Capstone (prereq: Senior Standing) - offered every winter



German Secondary Education Major Checklist (2012-2013 catalog to present)


Required Courses Total: 36 Credits beyond 202

__ 301: German Composition (Prereq: 202 or placement) - offered fall and winter

__ 302: German Conversation (Prereq: 202 or placement) - offered fall and winter 

__ 341: Advanced German Grammar - offered even-numbered winters 

__ 314: Secondary Foreign Language Teaching Methods - offered every winter 

__ 322: Introduction to German Linguistics - offered odd-numbered winters


  • 301 & 302 are prerequisites for all 300-level courses except 321; one may be taken concurrently with other 300-level courses after the other has been completed. 
  • Majors must take one 400-level course (401/402/421) in the semester before the Capstone.
  • Students must achieve advanced low on the OPI Interview before beginning student assisting in the College of Education and Community Innovation. Please visit for more information. 
  • Students are required to study abroad for at least one semester (12-14 credits at the 300-level) in a German-language program. For students who are unable to complete this requirement due to familial, financial, or other concerns, alternatives do exist. 


1 Literature course

__ 303: Intro to German Lit. I - offered odd-numbered winters

__ 304: Intro to German Lit II - offered even-numbered winters

__ 401: Modern German Lit. (Prereq: 2 300-level course obeying 301/302 or permission of the instructor) - offered even-numbered falls in alternation with 402

__ 402: German Authors  (Prereq: 2 300-level course obeying 301/302 or permission of the instructor) - offered even-numbered falls in alternation with 401


1 Culture course

__ 311: The Long Nineteenth Century - offered odd-numbered falls

__ 312: Contemporary German Culture - offered even-numbered winters

__ 315: German Cinema - offered even-numbered falls

__ 386: German Culture and society ( Summer Study Abroad in Schwäbisch Gmünd)


1 Linguistics courses 

__ 321: Phonetics (Prereq: 202) - offered every fall

__ 421: History of there German Lang. (Prereq: 2 300-level courses 301/302 or permission of the instructor) - offered odd-numbered falls


9 additional elective credits selected from the above or 

__ 331: Business German

__ 342: Advanced German Conversation 

__ 385: German Language (Summer Study Abroad in Schwäbisch Gmünd)

__ other study abroad


495 Capstone (Prereq: Senior Standing) - offered every winter 


German Minor Checklist (2013-2014 catalog to present)


  • 301 & 302 are prerequisites for all 300-level courses except 321: one may be taken concurrently with other 300-level courses after the other has been completed. 


Required Courses (or prerequisites for more advanced courses) Total: 22 credits beyond 201

__ 202: Intermediate German II (Prereq: 201 or placement) - offered every semester

__ 301: Composition and Conversation I (Prereq: 202 or placement) - offered every semester 

__ 302: Composition and Conversation II (Prereq: 301) - offered every semester 


4 upper-level course, only one of which may be GER 341, GER 342, GER 385


__ 303: Intro to German Lit I - offered odd-numbered falls

__ 304: Intro to German Lit II - offered even-numbered winters

__ 401: Modern German Lit (Prereq: two 300-level course or permission of instructor) - offered even-numbered falls

__ 402: German Authors (Prereq: two 300-level courses or permission of instructor) - offered even-numbered falls in alternation with 401



__ 311: German Civ. and Culture II - offered odd-numbered falls 

__ 312: Contemporary German Culture - offered even-numbered winters

__ 315: German Cinema - offered even-numbered falls

__ 386: German Culture and Society (Summer Study Abroad in Schwäbisch Gmünd)



__ 321: Phonetics (Prereq: 202) - offered every fall

__ 322: Intro to German Linguistics - offered odd-numbered winters

__ 421: History of the German Lang. (Prereq: 321) - offered odd-numbered falls



__ 331: Business German I (Prereq: 302) - offered odd-numbered falls

__ 341: Advanced German Grammar - offered even-numbered winters

__ 342: Advanced German Conversation - offered odd-numbered winters

__ 385: German Language (Summer Study Abroad in Schwäbisch Gmünd)

Page last modified February 6, 2024