Hybrid Gateway Quiz

Hybrid Gateway Quiz:

This quiz is divided into two portions; the first part is to assess your learning style in a hybrid style course and the second part is to assess your prerequisite knowledge of algebra skills.  While there are no wrong answers to the learning style portion of the quiz, a student that is more tech savvy and able to learn and assess independently may be more suited to a hybrid course than students with a different style of learning.  You are the best judge of your learning style.  There are, however, correct and incorrect answers to the algebra portion of the quiz and the student that has a good solid grasp of algebra, fractions, and radicals will be able to transfer that knowledge to college algebra and trigonometry more easily than a student that needs such concepts refreshed. 

Taking the appropriate quiz: 

  • Click the Guest Login and then choose the appropriate test.
  • After taking the test click "Check Test", be sure that the "Show correct answers" box is checked.  Your total score will be presented at the top of the screen.

Scoring from the algebra on your particular Gateway Quiz.

  • If you scored 2 or less incorrect, well done.   You may be a good candidate for the math hybrid course.
  • If you scored more than 2 incorrect,  you might want to enroll in a traditional math class.

Now you are ready to take the quiz.

Page last modified October 2, 2018