Dr. Susan Harrington

Photo of Dr. Susan Harrington

Dr. Meridell Gracias

Photo of Dr. Meridell Gracias

Two Kirkhof College of Nursing (KCON) faculty were among the award winners at the eight annual Sustainability Champions Awards on April 1, 2016. 

Dr. Susan Harrington received one of two Emerging Community Engagement Awards for her project with GVSU Anthropology faculty and KCON students who are collaborating with local organizations to develop health and wellness programming for low-income and homeless populations in the community. Key successes to earn this award include participatory planning (students, faculty, community), reciprocity, and shared agenda based on community need. 

Dr. Meridell Gracias received the Distinguished Community Engagement Award along with her community partners from the Grand Rapids Housing Commission, Deputy Executive Director Hattie Tinney and  Executive Director Carlos A. Sanchez, for their work with vulnerable populations.  The award criteria included mutual reciprocity, asset-based approach, student ownership and leadership, and sustainability.  Watch Video Here

All award recipients were chosen based upon support for initiatives exemplifying sustainable practices and use of the triple-bottom line approach (social, environment, economic) to solving problems and issues.


Page last modified May 27, 2016