
Healthy Choices 2016 Screening

Healthy Choices 2016 Screening

Date and Time

Friday, February 19, 2016 7:00 AM - 9:30 AM


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Healthy Choices is a wellness program that complements Grand Valley State University's commitment to healthy lifestyles. As a Grand Valley faculty or staff member, your to-do list for achieving a healthy lifestyle is made easier by taking advantage of the wealth of Health and Wellness programs and resources, including Healthy Choices, that are available to you. 

Healthy Choices 2016 Screening Schedule:

Allendale - Kirkhof Center 2263, February 15, 16, 17, 7am - 12pm

Allendale - Facilities Service, Room A and F, February 18, 7am - 12pm

Pew - DeVos 107C, February 22, 23, 24, 6:30am - 11am

Pew - CHS 123,  February 19, 7am - 12pm

Muskegon AWRI - LMC 225, February 19, 7am - 9:30am

Pew - Seidman SCB 1008B, February 25, 26, 6:30am - 10:30am

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Page last modified February 19, 2016