Bush's Staff & Cabinet

Bushs Staff & Cabinet

November 14, 2008


Dr. Charles Walcott participated in the second panel of the Hauenstein Center’s conference, “George W. Bush: Legacy & Lessons.” The panel explored “The Bush Administration: Process and Policies,” and Dr. Walcott presented a paper on “The Bush Staff and Cabinet System.”

Dr. Charles Walcott is professor of political science at Virginia Tech University, where he has been teaching since 1989. He has written or edited five books, including most recently “Empowering the White House: Nixon, Ford, and Carter” (University Press of Kansas, 2004), co-authored with Karen M. Hult. Since July 2001, Professor Walcott has been an editor of “Congress and the Presidency,” an interdisciplinary journal of research in political science and history. Professor Walcott has also won several awards for excellence in teaching, including a Certificate of Teaching Excellence from the Virginia Tech College of Arts and Sciences in 2003. Before coming to Virginia Tech, Professor Walcott had a distinguished teaching career at the University of Minnesota. He is a graduate of Occidental College and he received his M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of California at Santa Barbara.

Page last modified November 13, 2020