Shawmut Hills K-8

Shawmut Hills 2022-2023

Project Description:

The goal of this project was to connect more students, families, and teachers to the Shawmut Hills schoolyard through meaningful place-based experiences.  Implementation of wagons, observations kits, outdoor seating and wildlife guides have supported outdoor phenology journal observations, along with lessons in the edible garden.  Students and teachers have significantly increased their use of the schoolyard space.  Currently, students and staff are collaborating to plant 4 pocket pollinator gardens. Teachers will study literature to expand their own knowledge of place-based learning to guide their planning and instruction with a summer book club.

Fostering Lifelong Stewardship:

Through phenology studies and actively participating in the improvement of the schoolyard we expect students to develop a stronger connection to it.  We expect students to be empowered to take care of the schoolyard and to seek even more opportunities for improvements.


Urban Roots, Grow Wise Learning, Outdoor Discovery Center, L&L Bull Farm


Stephanie Nielsen, Kindergarten all subjects; Stacy VanderMolen, 1st Grade all subjects; Lindsay Storey, 2nd Grade all subjects; Jodi Witczak, PreK all subjects




Independent bank

Showcase Video:

Page last modified July 11, 2023