Congress Elementary

Congress Elementary 17-18

Project Description:
In partnership with Urban Roots, students in second through fourth grade revitalized their vegetable garden, providing food and education for the neighborhood. Across from the garden stands an area in need of a rain garden. Second grade students studied a range of scientific topics including the rain cycle, landforms, and review of plant life-cycles. The curriculum and community connections made an ideal location for a Groundswell project.

The students began the year with a study of landforms in partnership with Groundswell’s project-based experiments and teacher leaders. The students voted on a name and design for their rain garden. In the winter months, second graders studied the water cycle and its relationship to the local watershed and landforms. In the spring, Groundswell partners assisted students in the production of the rain garden. The project culminated in a celebration involving students, families, and community helpers.

Fostering Lifelong Stewardship:
Building a rain garden has taught students that they can have an impact on and improve their environment.

PTCC, Kalamazoo Nature Center, Revery Studio, WMEAC



GVSU College of Education

Showcase Video:

Page last modified December 2, 2021