Welcome to Grand Valley State University's General Education Program!

This program challenges you to develop skills, attitudes, and values critical to your success as a person and as part of society.

Your General Education courses are a critical component of your academic experience at GVSU. The General Education program is founded on liberal education principles, one of GVSU's core values.

Whether you choose to explore biology or chemistry, art or music, computer science or math, anthropology or geography, economics or political science, the faculty teaching these courses will help guide you through the fundamentals of the major areas of human inquiry in the Foundation courses.

People are a lot alike, but we are all different. Celebrate our commonalities and our differences through the U.S. Diversity and World Perspectives courses. Consider taking a field trip in the U.S. or studying abroad to gain an even richer understanding of other cultures.

GVSU takes pride in offering you upper division Issues courses in six different categories. These multi- and interdisciplinary courses enable you to create links between courses in your major and other courses.

Embrace your General Education with gusto!

C. "Griff" Griffin

Director, General Education
Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies

Photo of Dr. Griffin

Page last modified August 12, 2014