We'll Support You

Here are just a few of the ways Grand Valley will support you as a first-generation student.

Scholarship & Financial Aid - The Frederik Meijer First Generation Honors College Student Scholarship

This award is a full-tuition scholarship for a select number of extraordinary freshmen who are the first in their immediate family to pursue a college degree. Eligible incoming freshmen who compete in the Scholarship Competition and are accepted into the Meijer Honors College by mid-February will automatically be considered--there is no additional application. The scholarship is renewable up to a maximum of eight semesters. Recipients must stay in good standing in the Honors College to renew this scholarship. Learn more about The Frederik Meijer First Generation Honors College Student Scholarship

Scholars & Leadership - McNair Scholars Program

The McNair Scholars Program is designed to help academically talented students from traditionally underserved backgrounds reach their potential by earning a doctoral degree. Learn more about McNair Scholars Program

Academic Advising & Support - Oliver Wilson Freshman Academy & Academic Success Institute

The Oliver Wilson Freshman Academy Program is an academic support program for students who have demonstrated a strong potential to be successful at Grand Valley State University, and are first generation, low-income, and/or students of color. The Freshman Academy Program works to increase retention and promote academic performance among its participants by providing support in the areas of academic support and personal development. The Academic Success Institute (ASI) is a pre-semester program that is designed to give Freshman Academy participants a head start on their first year. The ASI is a free five-day program designed to empower Freshman Academy participants to develop a sense of responsibility for their own education and learning. Participants will earn one credit towards graduation. Learn more about Oliver Wilson Freshman Academy & Academic Success Institute

Student Life & Support - First Gen Scholars

First Generation Scholars is a student organization focusing on first-generation college students. Through community service, cultural exposure and professional development, students are invited to challenge themselves during their undergraduate years to get involved and give back to the community.

Mentoring - Laker Connections

Laker Connections Programs (Brothers: Black Male Scholars, Laker Familia, and Niara) are designed to help students of color achieve personal and academic success by creating a sense of belonging and connecting students to resources and specifically, faculty, staff and peer mentors. A majority of participants are first-generation college students. Learn more about Laker Connections


Page last modified May 15, 2017