Welcome to Experience Matters!

A collection of internship and co-op experiences completed by Grand Valley students.

Grand Valley students are doing amazing things through professional experiences outside the classroom. This site gives viewers an inside look at these experiences. See some spotlighted experiences below, or click on View Experiences above to find more!

Experience Matters Experience List

Kent County Intern

Austin, Sport Management

I did a lot of excel work, planning for events, emailing people. I also went to a lot of the Huddles and built relationships there. I did some recruiting for leaders and trying to expand into different...


Hripsime, Sport Management

I am working with the YMCA inner city baseball/softball program. I have done everything and anything that is needed of me. I go to fields and make sure everything is running smooth, I pass out food...

Ops Never Stops

Mathew, Sport Management

In the first two weeks we were instructed to move a full metal gazebo on top of one of our concession stand outlets. The gazebo would then become our "Zipline Concessions" where we would sell beer...

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Page last modified June 5, 2015