McCahill Group Intership Experience


McCahill Group Intership Experience

Experience Information

Employer: McCahill Group
Job Title: Intern to site supervisor
Major: Sport Management
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: No
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

The McCahill Group is a corporate wellness organization that specializes in health and wellness.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

Give weight lifting introductions to new members Give tours of the facility to potential members Lead a group fitness class day-to-day maintenance Create/implement my own fitness program with members Lead "Agency PUMP" for Farmers University Create health related articles for members Market new products sales of products, memberships, etc

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I was able to improve my interpersonal communication skills, as well as improve my ability to think of quick alternatives on the go when things aren't going exactly as planned. In addition, I learned that not everyone can do the same things physically, so it is important to tailor whatever it is that you're doing for that particular individual.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part was when I got to create/ implement my own 8 week fitness programs with five different members. They took a pre and post assessment, so they were able to see how much progress they made over the eight week period, it was very gratifying.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

I ultimately want to become a physical therapist, and this internship gave me some much needed experience working closely with people in a health related environment. Also, this experience has improved my ability to explain directions and reasons to why things are done a particular way, which is going to benefit me in my career as a PT.

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