Controls Engineering in Automation


Controls Engineering in Automation

Experience Information

Employer: AutoMatrix
Job Title: Controls Engineering Intern
Major: Electrical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

AutoMatrix is a smaller company that provides solutions and service for automation of manufacturing systems. Companies will come to AutoMatrix to make certain processes more efficient and more cost effective. Most of their customers are involved in the automotive industry. Applications such as entire robot assembly lines, robot weld fixtures, and a few other smaller controls operations are a few examples of what it is they are all about.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

After working with AutoMatrix for the summer I was able to design, wire, program, and troubleshoot various machines in the automotive industry. AutoMatrix focuses on automating processes that help other businesses improve efficiency and productivity. Although they are a smaller company, they take on some very large projects for very reputable companies. My co-op experience consisted of programming a machine that loaded magnets into a rear-view mirror holder for a new electric car company. I also designed and programmed a laser marking system for the same company. The machine was responsible for providing a VIN number and logo on both front and rear bumpers.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I learned how to design entire machine schematics in AutoCAD Electrical along with programming in RSLogix. It was very cool to do the design work, wire up some of the machine, and program it. My programming and design skills have definitely improved since I started my co-op. I learned how to troubleshoot a number of different issues along with how to work in a business environment. AutoMatrix does a lot of very large scale projects, but they are able to keep that "small business" atmosphere.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of the entire co-op was to program a machine and finally see it perform the task it was required to do. When I first opened RSLogix, all I saw was a bunch of lines and some words, I had no idea how anything worked. It was pretty remarkable to learn how to use those "lines" actually make a machine work. The machine that I programmed was also for one of my favorite car companies which was exciting. If I ever get one of those cars I'll be able to say I built a part of it!

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

I now understand what is expected of a controls engineer in the automotive industry today! My experience has definitely shaped my goals on what it is I want to accomplish in the future. The skills I have learned will be so valuable to me, and not just for work, for anything electrical I encounter. These skills can never be taken away and I am truly grateful for that. I am looking forward to moving forward in my skills as a controls engineer.

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