ESSU Meeting Minutes & Active Memberships

ERP Program Speaker Series Featuring Deloitte SAP Consulting - 9/14/2016

September 14, 2016

This meeting started at 6:03 p.m. and took place in the Seidman Forum. We were fortunate to have representatives from Deloitte Consulting give a presentation as part of our ERP Speaker Series which was the first one for the 2016-2017 school year. The presenters were Steve Twinney from the Deloitte Grand Rapids office along with recent graduates from Grand Valley including Lora Jackson, Kajal Magal, and Alex Philion.

Steve Twinney started off the presentation explaining who is Deloitte Consulting and what they do. In addition to audit and tax services, Deloitte is best known for consulting in many areas like technology which is where you can find SAP. Deloitte is one of the largest consulting firms for SAP. They played a video which showcased the diversity of Deloitte and showed how many different sectors and industries Deloitte consults for. Steve was enthusiastic on how Deloitte could be a great place to launch a career because you are able to gain a vast amount of industry experience in a short time frame. The mentorship model was also talked about, as well as how Deloitte develops their people which consists of training, career development, and extra curriculars. Alex talked about Deloitte University and his own experience there. Kajal then spoke about her Business Technology Analyst (BTA) role and what a typical BTA work week looks like. Alex, Kajal, and Lora each chatted about topics like how the Grand Valley ERP Program prepared them, Deloitte’s social events, and the community service programs. Connor Payne, a current GVSU student, then talked about his internship experience at Deloitte from the past summer. The audience was able to ask questions in a Q&A after the presentation. At the end of the presentation, students were able to pay their dues and get their ID’s scanned on laptops. An exclusive networking event with the Deloitte reps was held immediately afterwards for ESSU members in good standing only. The presentation ended at 6:58 p.m.

Students who are interested in Deloitte’s full-time and internship opportunities should look on both LakerJobs and Deloitte’s Career Services Page.

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Page last modified September 14, 2016