The university has designated tornado safety locations for the sheltering of the campus community during inclement weather.  Blue or Green placards have been placed at the designated safety location.  When a local tornado siren or GVSUAlert! is activated, you should seek shelter immediately.  The GVSU community is encouraged to know the nearest safety location to their office, classroom, or living area.

Disclaimer: Because this list has not been certified by engineering or scientific study, GVSU does not warrant the ability of any shelter to protect against all possible storm threats.  The shelters noted here are what could be reasonably expected to provide some shelter for the average weather situations expected to be encountered in Michigan. 


  • All outside walls, elevators, and windows of buildings
  • Any low-lying area that could flood
  • Vehicles -- do not use for shelter
  • Building areas with a large roof span
Severe Weather safety location sign

Alumni House                                                                                     

Art Gallery Support Facility                                                                 
Restrooms and Room 121

AuSable Hall                                                                                       
1st floor rest rooms, 1112, 1114, 1116-A, 1116-B, 1118, 1138-A, 1138-B, 1136-A, 1136-B, 1147, 1166, 1168, Hallway near room 1204, 1304, 1305, Stairwell near room 1320.

Baseball Pressbox                                                                               
This building should not be occupied during approaching severe weather

This building should not be occupied during approaching severe weather

Bike Factory                                                                                        
NW enclosed stairwell, all restrooms

This building should not be occupied during approaching severe weather

Calder Art Center                                                                                 
All restrooms, Rooms 1214, 1313, 1504,1510, 1715, 1811 and 1815

Calder Residence                                                                            
First floor hallways, away from windows

Campus Health Center                                                                         
Rooms 107, 109, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 119, 123, 129, and Restrooms

Central Utilities Building                                                                     
Basement, Northwest corner of tunnel

Children's Enrichment Center                                                                                 

Restrooms, Room 100

All Restrooms, East Stairwell (S-2) and the interior corridor by the cooler (C-102)

Consumers Energy Center @ 120 Front St.
Restrooms and the Center Stairwell.

Copeland Living Center                                                                                      
Lower level restrooms

Cook Carillon Tower                                                                            
This building should not be occupied during approaching severe weather

Cook-DeVos Center for Health Sciences                                               
1st Floor - Room 115, 119, 127, 145, and hallway for rooms 110-132
2nd Floor - Room 209, 211, 233 and hallway for rooms 200 - 232

Cook-Dewitt Center                                                                                        
Restrooms and storage room


DETROIT CENTER                                                                               
Lower Level

DeVos Center                                                                                      
All restrooms
A & B 1st Floor: Room 127A 
A & B 2nd Floor: NE Stairwell and receiving area
C 1st Floor: W&E Stairwells, room 126C
C 2nd Floor: Rooms 215C, 217C
C 3rd Floor: Rooms  313C
C 4th Floor: Rooms 415C, 417C
C 5th Floor: Rooms 510C and 511C
D & E 1st Floor: Rooms 117E, 119E, 136E, 138E, 122E
D & E 2nd Floor: Rooms 205E, 207E, 223E
E 3rd Floor: Rooms 305E, 307E, 323E

DeVos Living Center                                                                            
First floor hallways, away from windows

DeVos Center for Interprofessional Health
Rooms 102, 104, 120 and restrooms

Eberhard Center  
1st Floor: Restrooms, Hallways of WGVU-TV, Service hallway behind elevators, Lower level stairs
2nd Floor: Restrooms, and Room 215
3rd Floor: Restrooms, and Rooms 312, 313 and 314
4th Floor: Restrooms, and Rooms 410, 416, 417, 418 and 419
5th Floor: Restrooms, and Room 512
6th Floor: Restrooms, and Room 614
7th Floor: Restrooms, and Room 718b
8th Floor: Restrooms, and Room 807
9th Floor: Restrooms, and Room 912, and kitchen area                                                                                

Family Health Center                                                                           
Interior exam rooms

Lower two floors (excluding Arena & Rec Center)

Fillmore Storage Facility                                                                     
This building should not be occupied during approaching severe weather

Finkelstein Hall
Lower Level: All restrooms 002 and 003 plus Corridor C003 and  Student study room, 011,012, 021
1st floor: All restrooms and OT room 121
2nd floor: All restrooms and corridor 007
3rd floor: 335, 323, 312, 321, All Restrooms and immediate corridor   
4th floor: All restrooms 418 & 419, Student study 443

Football Center                                                                                    
Bathroom 103, main locker room, Coaches locker room, 117, 118, 131, 133A

Football Stadium / Pressbox                                                               
This area should not be occupied during approaching severe weather

Frey Living Center                                                                               
First floor hallway, away from windows

Grand Valley Apts.                                                                              
Laundry rooms and lower level of building away from windows

Haas Center for Performing Arts                                                                    
Room 1210, Restrooms, East LAT stage storage
Hallways outside of rooms 1127, 1128, 1211, 1232, 1401, 1500, 1510

Henry Hall                                                                                           
1st Floor - Loutit lecture hall rooms 101, 102, 103, Restrooms
2nd Floor - corridors and interior rooms
3rd Floor - restrooms

Hills Living Center                                                                               
First Floor hallway, away from windows

HOLLAND - MEIJER CAMPUS                                                              
Rooms 133, 139, 141 and restrooms

Holton-Hooker Learning & Living Center                                                                   
Restrooms:  112A, 116A, 118A, 212A, 216A, 218A, 020B, 125B, 225B, 325B
Classrooms 107A, 109A, 207A, 209A
Laundry Rooms: 022B, 127B, 227B, 327B
Game Room 044C
C Wing Hallway
Academic area stairwell

Hoobler Living Center                                                                   
Lower level restrooms

Innovation Design Center                                                                      
Stairwell ST1 - SE Corner
Stairwell ST2 - SW Corner
Room 127, Digital Design Studio rooms 131, 133, 135

Instructional Tech Bldg.                                                                      
Move to Central Utilities Building

Johnson Living Center                                                                   
Lower Level Restrooms

Keller Engineering Building                                                                

Kelly Family Sports Center                                                                
Men's and Women's locker rooms

Kennedy Hall of Engineering                                                             
Restrooms and Rooms 124 and 135

Kindschi Hall of Science                                                                   
Stairwell 3
Stairwell 4 lower lever to basement
All bathrooms-1128, 1150, 2296, 2298, 3396, 3398
Rooms 1143, 1145, 2440a, 3410

Kirkhof Center                                                                                    
Lowest floor west side hallways

Kirkpatrick Living Center                                                                   
First floor hallways, away from windows

Kistler Hall                                                                                          
Lower level restrooms

Kleiner Commons                                                                               
Restrooms, storage room east side of building

Lake Huron Hall                                                                                   
First floor corridors, lecture rooms

LAKE MICHIGAN CENTER - MUSKEGON                                             
Men's & Women's restrooms - 1st Floor
Field Station - Rooms 104, 106, 109 and 111

Lake Michigan Hall                                                                              
Basement, first floor lecture rooms

Lake Ontario Hall                                                                                
All restrooms and Rooms 164, 168, 174 and 178

Lake Superior Hall                                                                              
Basement, first floor lecture rooms

Laker Village Apartments                                                                                        
Storage room under stairs

Laker Village Community Buildings                                                    

Mackinac Hall                                                                                      
A Wing 1st floor: All interior classrooms & restrooms
B Wing Lower Level: Entire level
           1st floor: All interior classrooms and restrooms
           2nd floor: All interior classrooms and restrooms
           Stairwell 7 and 8
C Wing 1st floor: Room 114 and restrooms
             2nd floor: Room C-2-403, C-2-404 and restrooms
D Wing 1st floor: All interior classrooms & restrooms
             2nd floor: Rooms D-2-107, 109, 127, 129 and restrooms

Manitou Hall                                                                                        
First floor lecture rooms, restrooms, central hall between lecture/classrooms

Maple Living Center                                                                        
Lower level restrooms

1st Floor - Restrooms #123 and #124

Mary Idema Pew Library Learning & Information Commons                
1st floor restrooms: atrium restrooms
Connecting hall between Kirkhof and Library

Meadows Clubhouse                                                                          
Women's locker room, hall in front of locker room, and basement

Meadows Learning Center                                                                  
Go to Meadows Clubhouse if possible or restroom

Meadows Maintenance Building                                                          
Locker room and restroom

Murray Living Center                                                                          
First floor hallways, away from windows

Muskegon Innovation Hub
Men's restroom - 1st Floor

Niemeyer Living Center - Honors College                                           
Public Restrooms (Rooms 109/110 and 209/210)

Niemeyer Living Center - Honors Housing                                          

North C Living Center                                                                          
First floor hallway, away from windows

Oak Living Center                                                                                 
Lower level restrooms

Ott Living Center                                                                   
Lower Level Restrooms

Padnos Hall                                                                                        
1st & 2nd Floors - any room without windows 3rd Floor
NE stairwell to lowest level, SW stairwell to basement

Performing Arts Center                                                                   
Room 1210, Restrooms, East LAT stage storage
Hallways outside of rooms 1127, 1128, 1211, 1232, 1401, 1500, 1510

Pew Library Learning & Information Commons                                   
1st floor restrooms: atrium restrooms
Connecting hall between Kirkhof and Library

Pew Living Center                                                                                
Lower level restrooms

Pickard Living Center                                                                           
Lower level restrooms

Pine Living Center                                                                             
Lower level restrooms

Ravine Center                                                                                      

Robinson Hall                                                                                     
Lower level restrooms

Secchia Hall                                                                                       

Seidman Center                                                                                   
1st Floor: Restrooms and Rooms 1013, 1019, and 1056
2nd Floor: Restrooms and Rooms 2044, 2046
3rd Floor: Restrooms and Rooms 3127, 3005 and its immediate corridor

Seidman House                                                                                   
Restrooms on lower level

Seidman Living Center                                                                       
First floor hallways, away from windows

Service Building                                                                                  
Skunkworks, Rooms #1019 and #1026, Restrooms

Softball Pressbox                                                                                
This building should not be occupied during approaching severe weather

South Apartments C   
Recycling room 110, interior stairwells, 1st floor interior corridors, 1st floor unisex restroom

South Apartments D 
Recycling room 127, interior stairwells, 1st floor interior corridors, 1st floor unisex restroom

South Apartments E                                                                         
Recycling room 106, interior stairwells, 1st floor interior corridors, 1st floor unisex restroom

South Utilities Building                                                                      
This building should not be occupied during approaching severe weather

Stafford Living Center                                                                        
First floor hallways, away from windows

Student Services                                                                                 
Corridor (CC102) by emergency stairs
Financial Aid and Student Employment
          Corridor (CC101) south of fire doors (this door must be closed)
Second Floor South Side
          Emergency stairs, and CS4
          Any restroom or corridor (CC304) by emergency stairs
Career Services
          Rooms C266-C270
Counseling Center
          Corridor (CC205) by emergency stairs
          Room C147

Swanson Living Center                                                                       
First floor hallways, away from windows

TV transmitter building                                                                      
This building should not be occupied during approaching severe weather

VanSteeland Living Center                                                                 

Weed Living Center                                                                           
Lower level restrooms

Winter Hall                                                                                        

Zumberge Hall                                                                                   
Rooms 1041, 1119, 2062, 3041, 3123, 4041, 4126, all restrooms, center and north stairwells

Page last modified September 23, 2024