The University needs a way to quickly notify the campus community in the event of an emergency. Providing rapid information during an emergency provides you the ability to take actions to keep yourself safe.

Only members of the GVSU community can enroll.  If you wish to add a parent, friend or loved one, their information must go into your profile.

Every member of the University community is automatically registered for email notifications.  If you have a PRIMARY MOBILE NUMBER listed in Banner, that number will also provide text notifications.  You may sign up for additional methods of notification. Click here to update your notification preferences.  You may add additional numbers including your parents, or other mobile, email, or a landlines.

There is no cost for this service from GVSU. Voice calls and text messages are subject to the conditions and rates of your particular calling plan. Since participation in these portions of the system are optional, GVSU does not reimburse users for any cell provider charges.  Please note, the system has a single activation test, and GVSU tests once each Fall term.

If you frequently use an email account other than your @gvsu.edu, we recommend you add that email account as your preferred email address. Log into GVSUAlert! and click the MY ACCOUNT tab. Within the Email Contacts section, click the Edit link. Follow the instructions for entering your preferred email address.

Yes. Log into Banner and click the PERSONAL INFORMATION tab.  Next, select the MY PROFILE section and go down to the phone numbers area.  Click the +ADD NEW  link.  In the PHONE NUMBER drop down, select the PRIMARY MOBILE NUMBER. Enter the new mobile number you want to use in the fields provided, and click ADD .  The system updates every night.

Text and cell notification is just one of the methods used.  Depending on your situation, messages can be sent to your email and landline phones.  Alerts can include a recorded voice message sent to your Voice Only Line Contacts. When you specify a voice only line, you are requesting to receive any voice message included as part of a Broadcast Alert to either a cell or landline.  Whether a particular Broadcast Alert includes a voice, text message, or email component is determined by the sender of the Broadcast Alert.  If you wish to receive ONLY voice messages on a particular mobile device, add the phone number to the list of Voice Only Line Contacts within the MY ACCOUNT tab.  When a mobile phone number is listed as a Voice Only Line Contact, it will receive voice messages only.

Still having trouble?  
If your question relates to registration, or the use of the system, please contact the GVPD Emergency Manager, Sgt. William O'Donnell, [email protected]
If your question relates to user support or system functionality, contact the GVSU HelpDesk at 616.331.2101 or [email protected] 

Page last modified December 12, 2017