East Asian Studies minor

The East Asian Studies (EAS) program balances a liberal arts and professional approach to understanding the economic potential, rich cultural resources, and the basic need for intercultural relationships with East Asian nations, including China and Japan. Students who minor in EAS gain intercultural knowledge and competence that benefits them in this increasingly globalized world. 

A crowd participating in a protest in Hong Kong

Our Program

EAS Program Coordinator
Professor Meghan Cai

B-2-214 Mackinac Hall


[email protected]

The East Asian Studies faculty recognize the need for our students, to be well versed in cultures other than their own. Faculty in the programs offer cross-cultural understanding and intercultural communication perspectives, allowing students to become well-rounded and well-grounded in their knowledge of China and East Asia as they find their niche in a demographically and culturally diverse society and an increasingly global economy.

Why Study East Asian Studies?

  • EAS prepares students for an increasingly diverse world of peoples, cultures, religions, and economies.
  • EAS is a gateway to gaining communicative and intercultural skills in a global economy.
  • EAS provides opportunities for study abroad and cultural enrichment.
  • EAS offers a unique perspective on China and Japan and is a valued complement to any major program.

Students study a variety of subjects, including: 

  • East Asian history
  • East Asian literature
  • Eastern philosophy
  • East Asian religions
  • Geography of Asia


EAS can be instrumental for a variety of careers, including those in:

  • Education
  • Governmental organizations
  • International business
  • International relations
The Great Wall

The East Asian Studies program explores the languages, cultures, histories, and socioeconomic conditions of China and Japan, and recognizes the rich and complex traditions and historical contributions of these countries while acknowledging the essential roles they play in the world today. The EAS minor is designed for students who are interested in Chinese and Japanese cultures and who see fluency in the languages of these two countries as instrumental for their future careers in this region and beyond. Students majoring in such fields as business, communications, English, history, international relations, philosophy, and political science, among others, will find that the EAS minor provides a unique perspective on these two dynamic countries and is a valued complement to their major program.

Students are also encouraged to participate in the activities of local Asian associations, including the Chinese Association of West Michigan, the Asian-American Association, Japan-America Society of West Michigan, and also get involved in on-campus student groups such as the Asian Student Union (ASU), Japan Cultural Association, and the International Student Organization (ISO). Members of community organizations and businesses are also invited to take courses and participate in program activities.

Upcoming in East Asian Studies

Event Calendar

Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration

September 26, 2024 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

The East Asian Studies program will be hosting their Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration on September 26th. Primarily celebrated in East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Asian communities around the world,...

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Page last modified July 22, 2024