About Us

The Digital Print Shop is a student-operated business in the Calder Art Center. Since 2008, it has been a valuable resource for students and faculty looking for high-quality, cost-efficient prints of class assignments, personal projects, vinyl stickers and limited-run posters. Other on-campus departments who have utilized our services include: Housing and Residence Life, Padnos Student Gallery, and WCKS: The WHALE Radio.

We utilize EPSON inkjet printers, both small- and wide-format, with the capability to produce prints from letter-sized up to 44x60 inches. Our Graphtec vinyl cutter has the capability to produce detailed designs in vinyl of ranging colors and styles (ie. Gloss, Matte, Transparent, Reflective, T-Shirt and Metallic). 

Visitors are welcome to call, e-mail, or stop by during hours of operation to browse samples and speak with technicians.

Page last modified November 9, 2022