Class of 2019

Justin Bean
Vanesha Blackburn
Elizabeth Brigger

Justin Bean

The University of Maine

Vanesha Blackburn

Grand Valley State University

Elizabeth Brigger

Hope College

Tyler Clark
Ramil Collier
Lauren Congdon

Tyler Clark

Aquinas College

Ramil Collier

Aquinas College

Lauren Hinkel

Michigan State University

Gabriela Dittrich
Terrell Dorsey
Sofia Draper

Gabriela Dittrich

Grand Valley State University

Terrell Dorsey

Grand Valley State University

Sofia Draper

Purdue University

Ashley Eschbach
Katelyn Gaither
Alyssa Gunn

Ashley Eschbach

Young Harris College

Katelyn Gaither

University of Michigan

Alyssa Gunn

Western Michigan University

Justice Jacobs
Zachary Jacobs
William Keen

Justice Jacobs

Grand Valley State University

Zachary Jacobs

Depauw University

William Keen

Winthrop University

Rebecca Kolodge
Kathleen Law
Schae Maynard

Rebecca Kolodge

Grand Valley  State University

Kate Law

Michigan State University

Schae Maynard

Nova Southeastern University

Andrew McDonough
Joseph Montney
Holly Moore

Andrew McDonough

Grand Valley State University

Joseph Montney

Grand Valley State University

Holly Moore

Central Michigan University

Wyatt Morris
Lauryn Nett
Chelsea Ortiz

Wyatt Morris

Ferris State University

Lauryn Nett

Eastern Michigan University

Chelsea Ortiz

Grand Valley State University

Katelynn Rendi
Brandon Santana
Joshua Scarbrough

Katelynn Rendi

Michigan State University

Brandon Santana

Western Illinois University

Joshua Scarbrough

University of Michigan - Dearborn

Terrance Shorter
Sarah Tibbe
Britney Underwood

Terrance Shorter

Grand Valley State University

Sarah Tibbe

Grand Valley State University

Britney Underwood

Kentucky State University

Alyssa Yoxtheimer
Jose Zamora

Alyssa Yoxtheimer

Bluffton University

Jose Zamora

Elmhurst College

Page last modified September 18, 2019